[Servercert-wg] BALLOT SC-57: Election of SCWG Vice-Chair

Jos Purvis jos at melete.org
Mon Oct 17 16:18:43 UTC 2022

One quick amendment, highlighted in italics below...
This email begins the discussion period for ballot SC-57 to elect the Server Certificate Working Group Vice-Chair. Since there has been only one nomination to this position during the (extended) nomination period, this ballot will confirm the election of Kiran Tummala from Microsoft as the Vice-Chair of the Server Certificate Working Group.

Shall the Server Certificate Working Group confirm the election of Kiran Tummala of Microsoft to the position of Vice-Chair of the Working Group *for the term commencing 1 November 2022 and completing 1 November 2024*?
A vote of YES on this ballot indicates support for Kiran's election as Vice-Chair; a vote of NO indicates lack of support for this candidate to this post.

Votes MUST be submitted *PRIVATELY BY DIRECT EMAIL* to the election committee members:
 * Don Sheehy (CPA Canada, WebTrust Task Force);
 * Clemens Wanko (ETSI / ACAB'C).
Email addresses for the committee members are the same as were used for the Chair election in ballot SC-55 and all other CABF elections this term; they will also be re-posted to the Management list in case members need them for reference. As with other election ballots, the committee will ignore votes submitted to Working Group mailing lists.

This ballot will follow this schedule for the elections process:
*Discussion Period:* Begins 17 October at 13:00 Eastern / Ends 24 October at 13:00 Eastern
*Voting Period: *Begins 24 October at 14:00 Eastern / Ends 31 October at 14:00 Eastern

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