[Servercert-wg] [DRAFT] Agenda for 10 December 2020 SCWG Meeting

Jos Purvis (jopurvis) jopurvis at cisco.com
Fri Dec 4 19:48:18 UTC 2020

Here is a draft Server Certificate WG agenda for the teleconference described in the subject of this message. Please review and propose changes if necessary.

Server Certificate Working Group Agenda – 10 December 2020
1.Roll CallJos
2.Read Antitrust Statement
3.Review Agenda, assign minute taker for next call
4.Approval of minutes from last teleconference Jos
5.Validation Subcommittee Update Tim
6.NetSec Subcommittee UpdateNeil
7.Ballot Status – see table at end of AgendaAll
8.Review of Membership for Beijing Certificate AuthorityJos
9.Any Other BusinessAll
10.Next call: 7 January at 11AM Eastern
Adjourn; Immediately convene meeting of CA/B Forum call (same call)


1.  Ballots in Discussion Period
2.  Ballots in Voting Period

3.  Ballots in Review Period

4.  Draft Ballots Under Consideration


Ballot SCXX: Security Requirements for Air-Gapped CA Systems (Ben)

Minimum expectations regarding weak keys (Chris)

Offline CA Security Requirements (Ben)

SC34 Account Management (Tobi)

Remove “zone” from NCSSRs and add provisions to BR 5.1 (Ben)  




Jos Purvis (jopurvis at cisco.com)
.:|:.:|:. cisco systems | Cryptographic Services
PGP: 0xFD802FEE07D19105 | Controls and Trust Verification


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