[Servercert-wg] Voting begins: Ballot SC15 version 2: Remove
erhan.turan at kamusm.gov.tr
Wed Jan 30 23:13:31 MST 2019
Kamu SM votes "YES" to ballot SC15 version 2.
31.1.2019 07:28 tarihinde 陳立群 via Servercert-wg yazdı:
> Chunghwa Telecom votes "yes" to ballot SC15 version 2.
> Thanks.
> Li-Chun Chen
> From: Servercert-wg [mailto:servercert-wg-bounces at cabforum.org] On Behalf Of Tim Hollebeek via Servercert-wg
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2019 3:11 AM
> To: Doug Beattie; CA/B Forum Server Certificate WG Public Discussion List
> Subject: [外部郵件] Re: [Servercert-wg] Voting begins: Ballot SC15 version 2: Remove Validation Method Number 9
> DigiCert votes YES on SC15 version 2.
> -Tim
> From: Servercert-wg <servercert-wg-bounces at cabforum.org> On Behalf Of Doug Beattie via Servercert-wg
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 4:26 PM
> To: CA/B Forum Server Certificate WG Public Discussion List <servercert-wg at cabforum.org>
> Subject: [Servercert-wg] Voting begins: Ballot SC15 version 2: Remove Validation Method Number 9
> Corrected discussion and Voting period dates
> Ballot SC15 version 2: Remove Validation Method Number 9
> Purpose of Ballot: Method 9, Test Certificate, is insecure when web hosting platforms use a single IP address for more than one Domain Name, so this method must not be used.
> The following motion has been proposed by Doug Beattie of GlobalSign and endorsed by Bruce Morton of Entrust Datacard and Ryan Sleevi of Google.
> This ballot modifies the “Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates” as follows, based on Version 1.6.2:
> Replace the content of section with:
> This method has been retired and MUST NOT be used. Prior validations using this method and validation data gathered according to this method SHALL NOT be used to issue certificates.
> --- MOTION ENDS ---
> A comparison of the changes can be found at: https://github.com/dougbeattie/documents/compare/master...dougbeattie:SC15---Remove-Method-9
> The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:
> Discussion (7+ days)
> Start Time: 2019-01-22 08:15 Eastern
> End Time: 2019-01-29 08:15 Eastern
> Vote for approval (7 days)
> Start Time: 2019-01-29 15:00 Eastern
> End Time: 2019-02-05 15:00 Eastern
> End Time: TBD
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e-İmza Teknolojileri Birimi Takım Lideri
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