[cabfpub] Final CA/Browser Forum agenda - Thursday, February 1, 2024 approximately at 12:00 pm Eastern Time

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Wed Jan 31 07:47:25 UTC 2024

Dear Members,

Here is the final agenda for the subject call.Stephen Davidson 
(Digicert)is scheduled to take minutes and Tim Hollebeek (Digicert) is 
up next.

 1. Roll Call
 2. Read note-well
 3. Review of Agenda
 4. Approval of minutes from the January 4, 2024 Teleconference (minutes
    have not been distributed yet)
 5. Approval of minutes from the January 18, 2024 Teleconference
    (minutes were distributed 2024-01-30)
 6. Server Certificate Working Group update (Inigo)
 7. Code Signing Certificate Working Group update (Bruce)
 8. S/MIME Certificate Working Group update (Stephen)
 9. Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee update (Jos)
10. NetSec Working Group update (Clint)
11. Agenda
    preparation for F2F 61

12. Any Other Business
13. Next call: February 15, 2024
14. Adjourn

F2F Meeting Schedule:

  * 2024
      o February 26-28: New Delhi, India (eMudhra)
      o Μay 28-30: Bergamo, Italy (Actalis)
      o October: Seattle, WA, USA (Amazon)
  * 2025
      o March: Tokyo, Japan (SECOM)
      o June: Toronto, Canada (CPA Canada)
      o October: Warsaw, Poland (Asseco Data Systems)
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