[cabfpub] Forum Ballot to Amend Server Certificate WG Charter

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Wed Oct 18 09:03:11 UTC 2023

Hello Ben,

At F2F58 
had a discussion about the lessons learned from ballot SC60 
During that meeting, a proposal was made that seems to fix the ambiguity 
of the current Bylaws.

In line 93 of the proposed ballot, it says:

> /**(d)** There is a mandatory six-month probationary period during 
> which any representative of an Applicant must attend at least 30% of 
> all SCWG teleconferences (not counting subcommittee meetings) and at 
> least one SCWG face-to-face meeting (either physically or virtually). 
> After successful completion of the mandatory probationary period and 
> meeting all requirements of section 3(a) or 3(b), an Applicant may 
> become a Voting Member, if the SCWG determines by consensus among the 
> Members during a Meeting or Teleconference, or upon the request of any 
> Member, by a Ballot among the Members, that the Applicant meets the 
> requirements of section 3(a) or 3(b). Acceptance by consensus shall be 
> determined, or a Ballot of the Members shall be held, as soon as the 
> Applicant indicates that it has presented all information required and 
> has responded to all follow-up questions from the SCWG and the 
> Applicant has complied with the requirements of Section 5.5 of the 
> CA/Browser Forum Bylaws./

Instead of:

/"or upon the request of any Member, by a Ballot among the Members, by a 
Ballot among the Members, that the Applicant meets the requirements of 
section 3(a) or 3(b)" /

please update to:

/"or upon the request of any Member that challenges the Applicant's 
adherence to all of the requirements of section 3(a) or 3(b), by a 
Ballot among the Members."/

I read the rest of the proposed changes and they look good. If you are 
ok with the change above, HARICA would be happy to endorse the ballot.

Best regards,

On 13/10/2023 1:23 π.μ., Ben Wilson via Public wrote:
> All,
> I am planning to introduce a Forum ballot to amend the Server 
> Certificate Working Group Charter.
> At a high level, here are some of the proposed changes:
>   * Section numbering added
>   * "Root Certificate Issuer" voting category removed
>   * Membership requirements for Certificate Consumers added
>   * 6-month probationary period prior to voting membership added
>   * Voting percentages and quorum clarified
> Because there are numerous proposed changes, here are a diff and a 
> blob for your review.
> <goog_919727606>
> https://github.com/cabforum/forum/compare/59185f16917cc7f5b83564fe5fddff32cf84c8ce...85e569a43a5a2c9e5e16ce8bf1e569a98cfbd720
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/goog_919727603>
> https://github.com/cabforum/forum/blob/BenWilson-SCWG-charter-1.3/SCWG-charter.md
> I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Ben
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