[cabfpub] 回覆: Re: Ballot FORUM-019 v.2 - Amend Server Certificate Working Group Charter - VOTING PERIOD

陳立群 realsky at cht.com.tw
Mon Dec 4 15:46:44 UTC 2023

Chunghwa Telecom votes Yes on Ballot FORUM-019 v.2.


发件人: "Ben Wilson via Public" <public at cabforum.org>
发送时间: 2023-11-27 23:44:17 (星期一)
收件人: "CA/Browser Forum Public Discussion List" <public at cabforum.org>
主题: [cabfpub] Ballot FORUM-019 v.2 - Amend Server Certificate Working Group Charter - VOTING PERIOD

The voting period for Ballot FORUM-019 v.2 starts today. Votes must be cast on the Forum public list in accordance with the Forum's Bylaws.  Voting will conclude at 16:00 UTC on 4 December 2023.

Ballot FORUM-019 v.2 - Amend Server Certificate Working Group Charter

Purpose of Ballot

This ballot proposes to amend the Server Certificate Working Group (SCWG) Charter, based on existing version 1.2 of the Charter and on recent updates to the Forum’s Bylaws.

During discussions at Face-to-Face Meeting 58, it was noted that the membership criteria for Certificate Consumers in the SCWG Charter lacked sufficient detail. Since then, through discussions on the mailing list of the SCWG and elsewhere, better criteria for membership of Certificate Consumers in the SCWG have been developed, and the ballot also adds a 6-month probationary period for all applicants to the SCWG before they become voting members.

Additionally, section numbering has been added, the outdated "Root Certificate Issuer" voting category has been removed, and provisions regarding voting percentages and quorum have been clarified.

The following motion has been proposed by Ben Wilson of Mozilla and endorsed by Martijn Katerbarg of Sectigo and Dimitris Zacharopoulos of HARICA.

----- Motion Begins -----

MODIFY the Charter of the Server Certificate Working Group as specified in the following redline:


----- Motion Ends -----

This ballot does not propose a Final Guideline or Final Maintenance Guideline.

The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:

Discussion Period (7+ days)

    Start Time: 2023-11-16  23:00 UTC

    End Time: Not before 2023-11-23  23:00 UTC

Vote for approval (7 days)

    Start Time: 2023-11-27  16:00 UTC

    End Time:  2023-12-04  16:00 UTC

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