[cabfpub] Final CA/B Forum minutes April 28th, 2022
Dean Coclin
dean.coclin at digicert.com
Thu May 12 15:41:31 UTC 2022
Final CA/Browser Forum Minutes April 28, 2022
1. Opening Procedures- Dean
1. Attendees: Adam Jones (Microsoft), Amanda Mendieta (Apple), Andrea Holland
(SecureTrust), Ben Wilson (Mozilla), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Chris Kemmerer
(SSL.com), Clint Wilson (Apple), Corey Bonnell (Digicert), Corey Rasmussen
(OATI), Daryn Wright (GoDaddy), David Kluge (Google), Dean Coclin (Digicert),
Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Doug Beattie (GlobalSign), Dustin Hollenback
(Microsoft), Enrico Entschew (D-TRUST), Fumi Yoneda (Japan Registry Services),
Heather Warncke (Amazon), Hogeun Yoo (NAVER Cloud), Hubert Chao (Google),
Inaba Atsushi (GlobalSign), Inigo Barreira (Sectigo), Jamie Mackey (US Federal
PKI Management Authority), Janet Hines (SecureTrust), Joanna Fox (TrustCor
Systems), Johnny Reading (GoDaddy), Jos Purvis (Cisco Systems), Karina Sirota
(Microsoft), Li-Chun Chen (Chunghwa Telecom), Mads Henriksveen (Buypass AS),
Marcelo Silva (Visa), Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo), Nargis Mannan
(SecureTrust), Niko Carpenter (SecureTrust), Peter Miskovic (Disig), Rae Ann
Gonzales (GoDaddy), Rebecca Kelley (Apple), Stephen Davidson (Digicert),
Thomas Zermeno (SSL.com), Tim Hollebeek (Digicert), Tobias Josefowitz (Opera
Software AS), Trevoli Ponds-White (Amazon), Tyler Myers (GoDaddy), Wayne
Thayer (Fastly), Yoshiro Yoneya (Japan Registry Services)Read Antitrust
Statement- Jos Purvis
Review Agenda
a. Approval of minutes of last call
2. Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee update given by Jos Purvis
1. Reviewed work that is being done on new membership site- working on fixing
bugs and hopeful to have something to show in the near future
2. Discussed publication guidelines for posting to the publication website as
written by Ben Wilson to make content on the website more consistent and
easier to search and find. This will be going out to management list for
3. Code Signing Certificate Working Group update given by Bruce Morton
1. Moving focus to reformat ballot with upcoming discussion period. Hopefully
will have format changed to format 3647 in the next month or so
2. Subscriber key protection follow-up ballot coming to address some concerns
4. SMIME working group update given by Stephen Davidson
1. Lining up to do wider discussion on the ballot for adoption of the draft.
Feedback is already coming in and the WG has gone back to review the
1. The organizational identity requirements had been lifted from the EV TLS
guidelines and there was some concern that there were some parts that weren't
as relevant for S/MIME. Current discussions are continuing to find the right
level of validation.
5. NetSec Working Group given by Clint Wilson
1. Discussed OCSP uptime ballot and agreed that it should go to the server
certificate working group but the S/MIME WG should follow to add this topic
into their BRs and others as well. This can become a template for other
1. Request to others to look over David Kluge's draft and review and provide
0. Q: Is there good participation in the meetings?
1. Yes and looking for more participants
6. Any Other Business:
1. Meeting in Poland is still in on and there won't be conflict with the other
2. Discussed what time it should meet, but likely will be starting around noon
in Poland, which is about 6am on the east coast
3. Wiki sign-ups are open.
2022 F2F Meeting Schedule:
* June 6-8 - Poland (Note: Meeting dates are Mon-Weds and will be followed
by the Trusted Economy Forum on Weds-Thurs), MEETING IS CONFIRMED
* Oct 24-26 - Berlin (Note: Meeting dates are Mon-Weds and will be followed
by the CA Day and TSP event on Thurs/Fri)
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