[cabfpub] Final Minutes of CA/B Forum meeting February 3, 2022

Dean Coclin dean.coclin at digicert.com
Thu Mar 17 19:52:55 UTC 2022

Here are the final minutes for the subject call:


Attendees: Adam Jones (Microsoft), Amanda Mendieta (Apple), Andrea Holland
(SecureTrust), Ben Wilson (Mozilla), Clint Wilson (Apple), Corey Bonnell
(Digicert), Daryn Wright (GoDaddy), Dean Coclin (Digicert), Dimitris
Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Doug Beattie (GlobalSign), Dustin Hollenback
(Microsoft), Enrico Entschew (D-TRUST), Fumi Yoneda (Japan Registry
Services), Heather Warncke (Amazon), Inaba Atsushi (GlobalSign), Inigo
Barreira (Sectigo), Israel Ventura (US Federal PKI Management Authority),
Joanna Fox (TrustCor Systems), Johnny Reading (GoDaddy), Jos Purvis (Cisco
Systems), Karina Sirota (Microsoft), Kati Davids (GoDaddy), Mads Henriksveen
(Buypass AS), Michelle Coon (OATI), Peter Miskovic (Disig), Rae Ann Gonzales
(GoDaddy), Rebecca Kelley (Apple), Renne Rodriguez (Apple), Ryan Dickson
(Google), Stephen Hillier (Entrust), Tamer Ergun (Kamu SM), Tobias
Josefowitz (Opera Software AS), Tom Cloward (Microsoft), Tsung-Han Yang
(Chunghwa Telecom), Wendy Brown (US Federal PKI Management Authority),
Wojciech Trapczyński (Asseco Data Systems SA (Certum)), Yosiaki Iida (SECOM
Trust Systems)


Anti-Trust Statement: Jos read the statement


Review of agenda: The agenda was reviewed. Dean will add a topic of adding
member names to the agenda.


Approval of prior meeting minutes: The minutes from Jan 20th were approved.


Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee: Jos gave the update. Meeting was held on
Jan 26th. Discussions centered around automated updates for github and other
items. Discussions took place around balloting/formatting as well as the new
membership spreadsheet to make sure it was working well.  There was also a
discussion about the new NetSec working group and getting them established
on the wiki.


Code Signing Working Group: Andrea gave the update. A new interested party
was approved. Discussions are underway on the subscriber key protection
ballot. Endorsers are being sought. Timestamping validity period was
discussed. Timestamping OIDs were discussed briefly. Plans for the face to
face were made to determine the primary topics for that meeting.


S/MIME Working Group: Stephen gave the update: The group is continuing
discussions on mailbox validation. A proposed method from Google on using MX
records to validate control of the server was discussed. There has also been
additional discussion on the individual challenge/response to an individual
mailbox and how that should be performed and the reuse period of that. It's
been set at 31 days in the draft document. This is now available in github
if anyone wants to look at it.  A discussion then took place about
enterprise RAs. Stephen said the draft document is advancing very quickly. A
walk thru of the document will take place at the F2F meeting. 


NetSec Working Group: Clint had given an update as part of the earlier SCWG
meeting but reiterated that there is a Doodle poll available for the
proposed meeting times. A ballot should be starting to adapt the NCSSRs.
David was confirmed as Vice Chair. 


Next F2F Meeting: Over 70 attendees are expected between remote and
in-person (approx. 22 in person). Dean reminded everyone to bring their
vaccine cards and wear masks. We do have a teleconference scheduled for Feb
17th and the group agreed to hold that call as planned. 


Membership Lists: Dean mentioned that it is difficult to ascertain who is a
member of which working group. It is not published on our website, only
members of the Forum are listed. Ben said we should publish such a list on
our website. Several other people agreed. Jos said as long as they are not
seen as "endorsers", that should be ok. Dean suggested this list be placed
on the Working Group pages. Ben asked if we can link to the membership
spreadsheet. Dean said that was not publicly available. Trev said that the
website needed some other cleanup so this would be a good time to do this.
Ben suggested that the list from the spreadsheet could be exported and
linked to.  Jos suggested that each WG chair should be responsible for
gathering this list and giving it to the webmaster to publish. Dean
concurred and asked each chair to send their member list to Ben Wilson who
will update the pages. 


Meeting adjourned.



Dean Coclin

CA/B Forum Chair



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