[cabfpub] CA/B Forum Draft agenda for F2F 49

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Mon Feb 3 10:39:10 UTC 2020

This is the current DRAFT Agenda for the CA/B Forum F2F 49 Plenary 
Meeting.**Please review and propose changes if necessary.

        Wednesday, 19 February 2020 - Plenary Meeting (Day 1)

Start 	Stop 	Slot 	Description 	Discussion Leader / Notes
9:00 	9:30 	
	Register / Conference pass distribution / Snacks 	

	*Call to Order and Welcome - CA/Browser Forum Plenary Meeting* 	
9:30 	9:44 	
	Welcome, Recap of Preliminary Matters, Meeting Recordings, Photo 
Policy, Logistics, Antitrust Statement, Code of Conduct, Take 
Attendance, Assign Minute Takers 	Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
9:44 	9:45 	1 	Approval of CABF Minutes from last teleconference 
Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
9:45 	10:00 	2 	Report from Code Signing Certificate Working Group 	Dean 
Coclin (Digicert)
10:00 	10:15 	3 	Report from Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee 	Jos 
Purvis (Cisco)
10:15 	10:30 	
10:30 	10:45 	4 	Creation of additional Working Groups - Secure Mail 
Tim Hollebeek (Digicert), Wayne Thayer (Mozilla)
10:45 	11:00 	5 	Addressing previously discussed Bylaws issues 	Dimitris 
Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
11:00 	11:30 	6 	Bylaws open issues 	Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
11:30 	12:00 	7 	*Any Other Business*

	Adjourn CA/Browser Plenary Meeting
12:00 	13:00 	

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