[cabfpub] Prepare ballot to allow Chair/Vice-Chair to make informative (not normative) changes to Final Guidelines and Final Maintenance Guidelines

Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) dzacharo at harica.gr
Mon Feb 3 10:02:51 UTC 2020

Here is an attempt to capture our latest discussion. Ryan, please update 
as necessary to better address the concerns you raised about the ballot 
overriding process. If there are no objections, I expect to add this 
language in the new revison of the Bylaws. I am not sure it needs to be 
included in the SCWG charter because it describes a procedure that all 
Working Groups may use if needed.


The Chair or Vice-Chair of a CWG is allowed to perform changes to 
informative (non-normative) parts of a Final Guideline or Final 
Maintenance Guideline before it is published to the public web site and 
without requiring a ballot procedure. The set of changes are limited to:

    The cover page,
    The Table of Contents,
    The year in the “Copyright” information,
  * Footers with page numbers

The Chair or Vice-Chair of a CWG is also allowed to perform the 
following changes, unless the ballot explicitly updates this information:

  * The Guideline version number,
    Headers/Footers with version numbers,
    The table with document revisions or Document History,
  * The table with Relevant Dates.


Thank you,

On 2019-09-03 6:35 μ.μ., Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA) via Public wrote:
> Dear Members,
> Following up on recent discussions,
>   * At the last F2F in Thessaloniki
>     <https://cabforum.org/2019/08/16/minutes-for-ca-browser-forum-f2f-meeting-47-thessaloniki-12-13-june-2019/#Instructions-for-creating-ballots-and-challenges-for-moving-canonical-versions-of-all-Guidelines-to-GitHub>
>   * On the server certificate WG list
>     <https://cabforum.org/pipermail/servercert-wg/2019-August/000896.html>
> and since the current Bylaws (version 2.2) do not address how the 
> Chair or Vice-Chair could make any changes whatsoever to the Final 
> Guidelines or Final Maintenance Guidelines, I would like to prepare a 
> ballot with some administrative language that would allow the Forum or 
> WG Chair (or Vice-Chair) to make some changes to Final Guidelines and 
> Final Maintenance Guidelines. Please note that these practices are 
> already in place and have been followed for years without any 
> "official" approval from the Forum or a WG and without having received 
> any objections by the Membership.
> Since this is language that would normally be in the Bylaws, and while 
> we have other issues pending to discuss 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EtrIy3F5cPge0_M-C8J6fe72KcVI8H5Q_2S6S31ynU0>, 
> I would like to propose to ballot these issues separately and once we 
> collect a few, we could update the Bylaws including language for all 
> these separate issues. I understand that we don't want to make too 
> frequent changes to our Bylaws because it involves legal reviews that 
> take additional time, etc.
> I would like to start with what seems to be an uncontroversial issue. 
> There seems to be consensus to allow the Chair or Vice-Chair to update 
> informative (non-normative) sections of the Guidelines. Here is a list 
> of changes that the Chair or Vice-Chair should be allowed to do on a 
> Final Guideline or Final Maintenance Guideline before it is published 
> on our public web site and without requiring a ballot procedure:
>  1. The cover page,
>  2. The Table of Contents
>  3. Headers/Footers with version numbers and page numbers
>  4. The table with document revisions or Document History
>  5. The table with Relevant Dates, unless the ballot explicitly
>     updates this table
> I would also recommend removing the first paragraph of the EV 
> Guidelines which reads:
> "This version 1.7.0 represents the Extended Validation Guidelines, as 
> adopted by the CA/Browser Forum as of Ballot SC17, passed by the Forum 
> on 21 May 2019 and effective as of 21 June 2019." I believe it's 
> redundant because this information is included in the revision history 
> table and the public web site.
> Are there any comments or additional changes that members would like 
> to see before I start drafting some language? I plan on having 
> something ready by the end of next week.
> Thank you,
> Dimitris.

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