[cabfpub] Adding Proposer and Endorsers to Ballot Forum-5 and Ballot SC5

Tim Hollebeek tim.hollebeek at digicert.com
Mon Sep 10 17:10:49 UTC 2018

Thank you, Kirk!




From: Public <public-bounces at cabforum.org> On Behalf Of Kirk Hall via Public
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 12:56 PM
To: CABFPub <public at cabforum.org>
Subject: [cabfpub] Adding Proposer and Endorsers to Ballot Forum-5 and
Ballot SC5


Some Members (including me) believe that no Proposer or Endorsers are
required for elections ballots under Bylaw 4.1.  (For my analysis, see my
message on Sept. 6).  Other Members disagree, and are unhappy that Ballot
Forum-5 (Election of CABF Vice Chair) and Ballot SC5 (Election of SCWG Vice
Chair) do not include a Proposer and Endorsers.


To remedy that - and end the arguments for these two ballots - we are adding
the following Proposer and Endorsers to both ballots:


Proposer: Tim Hollebeek, DigiCert

Endorser 1: Mads Henriksveen, Buypass

Endorser 2: Kirk Hall, Entrust Datacard


Please note that this doesn't mean that a Proposer and two Endorsers are
necessarily required for future elections ballots - no one has changed his
or her mind on that.  However, for people of my opinion, adding a Proposer
and Endorsers does no harm, and it will be good to get this behind us.  But
is it not necessarily a precedent for the future (in fact, several officer
elections in the past proceeded without a Proposer or Endorsers).


Let's include clarification one way or another to the Bylaws in a future



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