[cabfpub] For Discussion: S/MIME Working Group Charter

Wayne Thayer wthayer at mozilla.com
Fri May 18 17:53:43 UTC 2018

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 9:02 AM Ryan Sleevi via Public <public at cabforum.org>

> Do we really need "one or more"? Isn't that the same problem of "We may or
> may not boil the ocean along the way"?
> <

> Concrete deliverables, along with lightweight rechartering, is a model
> that most SDOs have successfully adopted. The challenge of greenfield
> explorations always exist, as do these discussions about charters, but the
> success or failure of the SDO and the effort so frequently relies on how
> effectively, and narrowly, the charter was scoped to the defined problem at
> hand.

It seems that we all agree that "BRs for S/MIME 1.0" is the first
deliverable of this WG, so let's charter it with that clear mission in
mind. This is almost certainly a multi-year task, after which a recharter
in line with the practice of other SDOs will be entirely reasonable.
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