[cabfpub] Pre-Ballot 206 - Amendment to IPR Policy & Bylaws re Working Group Formation

Tim Hollebeek tim.hollebeek at digicert.com
Mon Jan 15 14:56:07 UTC 2018

> Bylaws:
> - (nit) Section 2.2(a) ends Forum membership when the party is not a member of any working group, so we’d better not accidentally allow every WG to expire.

There are a bunch of us who believe expiration dates only make sense for task-, problem-, or goal- based working groups, and there is no problem with a working group that exists until members vote otherwise.  If the Server Certificate Working Group was handled in that way, this nightmare scenario could not happen.  And it's more in line with consistency with current practice, since the current entity this working group is replacing does not expire.

What are we going to do about continuity of existing working groups (old terminology, not new)?  Is it necessary for the Server Certificate Working Group Charter to say anything about sub-working groups (I wish we hadn't used the existing term "working group" to mean something new, it is going to be very confusing).


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