[cabfpub] Ballot 218: Remove validation methods #1 and #5

Dimitris Zacharopoulos jimmy at it.auth.gr
Mon Jan 8 11:15:13 UTC 2018

On 8/1/2018 1:11 μμ, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> A slight fix to your reword, to ensure it's clear as to what's being 
> provided by the Registrar:
> Domain Contact: The Domain Name Registrant, technical contact, or 
> administrative contract (or the equivalent under a ccTLD) as listed in 
> the WHOIS record of the Base Domain Name or in a DNS SOA record, or as 
> obtained through direct contact with the Domain Name Registrar.
> then I think we're in agreement that the would be 
> sufficient for non-WHOIS providing ccTLDs, without requiring the 
> ambiguity of, and resolving the issue Jeremy highlighted 
> about potential misinterpretation.


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