[cabfpub] Update on Chair Election Procedures

Kirk Hall Kirk.Hall at entrustdatacard.com
Wed Aug 29 00:16:02 UTC 2018

We will start voting for the new CA/Browser Forum Chair and the new Server Certificate Working Group Chair on Thursday.  I will send out an email then starting the election itself.

I want to update you on the procedure we will use for each election - they will be different, because there are two candidates for CABF Chair (Ben Wilson and Dimitris Zacharopoulos) but only one candidate for SCWG Chair (Dimitris Zacharopoulos).  Our Bylaws (shown below) provide two different election processes for these cases.

1.    Where there is only one candidate (which is the case for the SCWG Chair), the Forum simply holds a Ballot to confirm the election of that candidate.  Votes to confirm the sole candidate for SCWG Chair are posted by Members to the Public list.

2.    Where there are more than one candidate (which is the case for the CABF Chair), the Forum holds a secret Ballot to choose among the candidates.  Votes are posted by Members to an independent Election Committee, which tabulates the votes but only announces the person with the most votes (not the totals for each candidate, and not who voted for whom)..

I am appointing the same Elections Committee as we used two years ago, both designated representatives of Associate Members: Don Sheehy (CPA Canada/WebTrust representative) donsheehypki at gmail.com<mailto:donsheehypki at gmail.com>, and Clemens Wanko (ACAB'c representative) clemens.wanko at tuv-austria.com<mailto:clemens.wanko at tuv-austria.com>.

When it's time to vote for CABF Chair (not yet!), Members will send their CABF Chair vote to each person at his separate email address, but NOT to the Public list.  I will provide you with Don and Clemens' email addresses again with the Ballot on Thursday.

Here are the relevant provisions from our Bylaws.


Bylaw 4.1 (c) Manner of holding officer elections: If a single individual is nominated for a position, the Forum will hold a ballot to confirm appointment of the nominee. ***

If more than one candidate is nominated for Chair or Vice Chair, the Forum will announce an election ballot to determine which candidate will fill the position. Within two weeks after the close of the nomination period, the Chair or Vice Chair will establish an election committee and announce the election ballot on the management mailing list along with the ballot start date, ballot end date, and a description of the voting process. The Chair or Vice Chair will appoint the election committee by selecting at least two volunteers who have a reputation for independence, preferably individuals without voting rights in the Forum and that participate as Associate Members. The election committee is responsible solely for tallying Member votes in connection with the election ballot. The description must include the email address(es) where Members will send their vote, which should be the email addresses of the election committee.  ***

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