[cabfpub] Ballot 190 - Discussion Period is starting

Adriano Santoni adriano.santoni at staff.aruba.it
Wed Sep 6 10:09:23 UTC 2017

I am favourable.

How about adding a limitation to the age of validated data?

(something similar to §11.14.3 of EVGL)

Il 05/09/2017 19:52, Kirk Hall via Public ha scritto:
> As agreed on our CABF teleconference last week, we are starting the 
> formal discussion period for Ballot 190 (in this case, v8).  I have 
> attached the ballot in two formats and in three modes.
> The title of the actual ballot to be voted on uses all capital letters 
> “BALLOT 190 v8 (9-5-2017)”.  I also attach a version that includes 
> some explanatory comments, and a “clean” version showing how the BRs 
> will read if Ballot 190 v8 is adopted “Ballot 190 v8 (9-5-2017) 
> (showing BRs if adopted)”.
> The discussion period ends Sept. 12 at 18:00 UTC, and the voting 
> period runs Sept. 12-19.
> This version 8 is based on the prior version 7, but includes a limited 
> number of changes as outlined in emails among me, Ryan, and Doug on 
> Aug. 29-30.
> We are almost there!  Thanks to everyone who has worked on this effort 
> over the past two years. Assuming Ballot 190 passes, the Validation 
> Working Group can then start work on further amendments as outlined in 
> my prior emails.
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