[cabfpub] EV 11.4.1 Business Address Verification

Scott Rea scott at scottrea.com
Mon Sep 4 09:17:51 UTC 2017

On 9/4/2017 12:34 PM, Gervase Markham via Public wrote:
> On 04/09/17 09:33, Scott Rea via Public wrote:
>> The real issue here is that Applicants only provide PO Boxes as their
>> address, and the PO Box is what is recorded in the QGIS, QIIS, QTIS etc.
>> It should also be noted you need a physical location in the postal area
>> to get the corresponding PO Box
> How do they prove that? :-)

Good question Gerv - it may actually depend upon the type of service you
sign up for. I signed up for a personal box, and they came to the villa
to install the local delivery point. But I could have signed up for a
box in the local Emirates Post facility, which presumably means I simply
have to show up there to collect any mail delivered.

Its different for a company - the company has to have a physical
location in the jurisdiction of the registering agency. The problem is
that the description of the physical location can be problematic e.g.
"warehouse behind the pink shop half way between road 14 and road 17 on
street M". Its not exact - it could also be described as "warehouse
directly across from Marina entrance on street M". What is consistent
and exact (and typically on the registration) is Street M, PO Box 33467,
Abu Dhabi, UAE - a courier can take either of the above descriptions and
go directly to the described address.

>> and have to present in person with
>> government issued photo ID to obtain it. SO having the PO Box denotes a
>> physical address, but the guidelines seem to be prohibiting the use of
>> "PO Box" specifically as a verifier.
> Is it legal to serve court papers to the PO Box?

Yep - it is

> Gerv
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Scott Rea, MSc, CISSP
Ph# (801) 874-4114

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