[cabfpub] "[UNVERIFIED SENDER]Re: no CAA authorizations -- RFC 6844

Rob Stradling rob.stradling at comodo.com
Thu Jun 22 20:39:10 UTC 2017

On 22/06/17 21:13, Phillip via Public wrote:
> I am pretty sure that Peter and myself only diverged in our 
> interpretation of the original proposal from Iida.

Phill, you wrote earlier:
"It is my understanding that the text as drafted prohibits issue of a 
wildcard certificate if the record set only contains issue records and 
issue of a non wildcard certificate if the record set only contains 
issuewild records."

Which document is the "text as drafted" that you're referring to?

I suspect that Peter and Ryan both thought that you were referring to 
RFC6844.  (And indeed, if you're not referring to RFC6844, I'm not sure 
which document you are referring to!)

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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