[cabfpub] Ballot 190 – Revised Validation Requirements

Kirk Hall Kirk.Hall at entrustdatacard.com
Sun Jun 25 22:46:01 UTC 2017

After discussion of Ballot 190 at the F2F meeting last week, I am posting this revised Ballot 190 which does a number of things:

1.       There are changes to two Definitions, and a new definition as shown.

2.       The current language of the domain validation section BR is what we passed in Ballot 181, and is missing validation Methods 1-4 and 7-9 – I have restored these with edits as indicated.  We are also eliminating Method 11 (previously Method 7) – “any other method.”  The validation method language you see inserted in Ballot 190 is substantially the same language as we passed in Ballot 169, except for the minor changes I specifically call out.

3.       We clarify that once the FQDN has been verified using a given validation method, the CA may also issue certificates for higher level domains that end in the validated FQDN, except for Method 8.

4.       Finally, in response to the discussion we have had on whether a change to a validation method means all prior validations using that method are no longer valid, we have made some changes.  In essence, Ballot 190 clarifies that data, documents, and prior validations can be reused for the permitted reuse period under BR 4.2.1, unless the Forum specifically requires revalidation in a ballot.

I have attached the pre-ballot in three formats: (a) one in “track changes” mode but without any comments (this is the actual ballot we are voting on), (b) one in “track changes” from Ballot 181 and including comments to explain the changes, and (c) one showing how BR and 4.2.1 plus the definitions will read if Ballot 190 is adopted (this is to make it easier to read the changed language).  I am sending the documents in both Word and pdf formats.  I suggest you start with document (b) – “Ballot 190 (6-25-2017) with comments”.

Documents Attached

(a) Ballot 190 (6-25-2017)
(b) Ballot 190 (6-25-2017) with comments
(c) Ballot 190 (6-25-2017) showing text if adopted

One request – if you have comments or edits to suggest, please be VERY clear.  This is a very complex ballot, and we will make the most progress if we avoid misunderstanding and talking past each other.  Also, if you don’t like a section, don’t just criticize the ballot language  - please suggest specific alternate wording for people to consider.

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