[cabfpub] Ballot idea: Define "Audit Period"

Don Sheehy donsheehypki at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 22:59:02 UTC 2017

Jeff and I can come up with a definition that should work.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Gervase Markham via Public <
public at cabforum.org> wrote:

> The term "audit period" is used in the BRs but not defined, and Kathleen
> tells me she keeps running into CAs who don't understand it, often
> confusing it with the period of time the auditor is on the premises.
> Would anyone be opposed to a ballot to add a definition of Audit Period
> along the following lines?
> Audit Period: the period of CA operations a Qualified Auditor considers
> when assessing the work of a CA in order to write an Audit Report. This
> is not the same as the (much shorter) period of time during which the
> auditor is carrying out the audit. Audit Periods MUST NOT exceed 1 year
> in duration, and Audit Periods for successive audits of a particular
> type MUST be continuous.
> (The latter sentence is added for clarity, and repeats something said in
> section 8.1.)
> The ballot would also replace "audit period" with "Audit Period"
> throughout.
> Gerv
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