[cabfpub] Ballot 194 – Effective Date of Ballot 193 Provisions

Arno Fiedler arno.fiedler at nimbus-berlin.com
Wed Apr 12 16:32:04 UTC 2017

D-TRUST votes "YES"

> *From:* Public [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] *On Behalf Of 
> *Chris Bailey via Public
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 2, 2017 2:27 PM
> *To:* public at cabforum.org
> *Cc:* Chris Bailey <Chris.Bailey at entrustdatacard.com>
> *Subject:* [cabfpub] Ballot 194 – Effective Date of Ballot 193 Provisions
> *Ballot 194 – Effective Date of Ballot 193 Provisions*
> *Purpose of Ballot:*Recent Ballot 193 reduced the maximum period for 
> certificates and for reuse of vetting data for DV and OV certificates 
> from 39 months to 825 days.  The effective date for reducing the 
> maximum validity period of certificates was specified as March 1, 
> 2018, but no effective date was specified for when the reduction of 
> the maximum period for reuse of vetting data becomes effective.
> It was the intention of the authors of Ballot 193 that the effective 
> date for reducing the maximum period for reuse of vetting data under 
> BR 4.2.1 would also be March 1, 2018.  This ballot is intended to 
> clarify that intention.  The ballot also makes these changes 
> retroactive to the effective date of Ballot 193 so there is no gap period.
> Ballot 193 is in the Review Period (which will end on April 22, 2017), 
> and has not yet taken effect.  Bylaw 2.3 states that Ballots should 
> include a “redline or comparison showing the set of changes from the 
> Final Guideline section(s) intended to become a Final Maintenance 
> Guideline” and that “[s]uch redline or comparison shall be made 
> against the Final Guideline section(s) as they exist at the time a 
> ballot is proposed”.
> To avoid confusion, this Ballot will show the proposed changes to BR 
> 4.2.1 will be presented two ways: (1) a comparison of the changes to 
> BR 4.2.1 as it existed before Ballot 193 (which is as BR 4.2.1 exists 
> at this time this ballot is proposed), and also (2) a comparison of 
> the changes to BR 4.2.1 as it will exist after the Review Period for 
> Ballot 193 is completed (assuming no Exclusion Notices are filed).
> The following motion has been proposed by Chris Bailey of Entrust 
> Datacard and endorsed by Ben Wilson of DigiCert, and Wayne Thayer of 
> GoDaddy to introduce new Final Maintenance Guidelines for the 
> "Baseline Requirements Certificate Policy for the Issuance and 
> Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates" (Baseline Requirements) 
> and the "Guidelines for the Issuance and Management of Extended 
> Validation Certificates" (EV Guidelines).
> *_Ballot Section 1_*
> **
> BR 4.2.1 is amended to read as follows:
> /[Ballot amendments shown against BR 4.2.1 _as it currently exists 
> without the changes adopted in Ballot 193_]/
> *BR 4.2.1. Performing Identification and Authentication Functions*
> The certificate request MAY include all factual information about the 
> Applicant to be included in the Certificate, and such additional 
> information as is necessary for the CA to obtain from the Applicant in 
> order to comply with these Requirements and the CA’s Certificate 
> Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement. In cases where the 
> certificate request does not contain all the necessary information 
> about the Applicant, the CA SHALL obtain the remaining information 
> from the Applicant or, having obtained it from a reliable, 
> independent, third‐party data source, confirm it with the Applicant. 
> The CA SHALL establish and follow a documented procedure for verifying 
> all data requested for inclusion in the Certificate by the Applicant.
> Applicant information MUST include, but not be limited to, at least 
> one Fully‐Qualified Domain Name or IP address to be included in the 
> Certificate’s SubjectAltName extension.
> Section 6.3.2 limits the validity period of Subscriber Certificates. 
> The CA MAY use the documents and data provided in Section 3.2 to 
> verify certificate information, provided that*_:_* /the CA obtained 
> the data or document from a source specified under Section 3.2 no more 
> than thirty//‐//nine (39) months prior to issuing the Certificate./
> *_(1) Prior to March 1, 2018, the CA obtained the data or document 
> from a source specified under Section 3.2 no more than 39 months prior 
> to issuing the Certificate; and_*
> *_(2) On or after March 1, 2018, the CA obtained the data or document 
> from a source specified under Section 3.2 no more than 825 days prior 
> to issuing the Certificate. _*
> **
> The CA SHALL develop, maintain, and implement documented procedures 
> that identify and require additional verification activity for High 
> Risk Certificate Requests prior to the Certificate’s approval, as 
> reasonably necessary to ensure that such requests are properly 
> verified under these Requirements.
> If a Delegated Third Party fulfills any of the CA’s obligations under 
> this section, the CA SHALL verify that the process used by the 
> Delegated Third Party to identify and further verify High Risk 
> Certificate Requests provides at least the same level of assurance as 
> the CA’s own processes.
> /[Ballot amendments shown against BR 4.2.1 _as it existed after Ballot 
> 193 was approved_]/
> *BR 4.2.1. Performing Identification and Authentication Functions*
> The certificate request MAY include all factual information about the 
> Applicant to be included in the Certificate, and such additional 
> information as is necessary for the CA to obtain from the Applicant in 
> order to comply with these Requirements and the CA’s Certificate 
> Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement. In cases where the 
> certificate request does not contain all the necessary information 
> about the Applicant, the CA SHALL obtain the remaining information 
> from the Applicant or, having obtained it from a reliable, 
> independent, third‐party data source, confirm it with the Applicant. 
> The CA SHALL establish and follow a documented procedure for verifying 
> all data requested for inclusion in the Certificate by the Applicant.
> Applicant information MUST include, but not be limited to, at least 
> one Fully‐Qualified Domain Name or IP address to be included in the 
> Certificate’s SubjectAltName extension.
> Section 6.3.2 limits the validity period of Subscriber Certificates. 
> The CA MAY use the documents and data provided in Section 3.2 to 
> verify certificate information, provided that*_:_* /the CA obtained 
> the data or document from a source specified under Section 3.2 no more 
> than 825 days**prior to issuing the Certificate./
> *_(1) Prior to March 1, 2018, the CA obtained the data or document 
> from a source specified under Section 3.2 no more than 39 months prior 
> to issuing the Certificate; and_*
> *_(2) On or after March 1, 2018, the CA obtained the data or document 
> from a source specified under Section 3.2 no more than 825 days prior 
> to issuing the Certificate. _*
> The CA SHALL develop, maintain, and implement documented procedures 
> that identify and require additional verification activity for High 
> Risk Certificate Requests prior to the Certificate’s approval, as 
> reasonably necessary to ensure that such requests are properly 
> verified under these Requirements.
> If a Delegated Third Party fulfills any of the CA’s obligations under 
> this section, the CA SHALL verify that the process used by the 
> Delegated Third Party to identify and further verify High Risk 
> Certificate Requests provides at least the same level of assurance as 
> the CA’s own processes.
> *_Ballot Section 2_*
> The provisions of Ballot Section 1 will be effective retroactive to 
> the effective date of Ballot 193.
> **
> *--Motion Ends--*
> The procedure for approval of this Final Maintenance Guideline ballot 
> is as follows (exact start and end times may be adjusted to comply 
> with applicable Bylaws and IPR Agreement):
> BALLOT 194
> Status: Final Maintenance Guideline
> Start time (22:00 UTC)
> End time (22:00 UTC)
> Discussion (7 to 14 days)
> April 2, 2017
> April 9, 2017
> Vote for approval (7 days)
> April 9, 2017
> April 16, 2017
> If vote approves ballot: Review Period (Chair to send Review Notice) 
> (30 days).
> If Exclusion Notice(s) filed, ballot approval is rescinded and PAG to 
> be created.
> If no Exclusion Notices filed, ballot becomes effective at end of 
> Review Period.
> Upon filing of Review Notice by Chair
> 30 days after filing of Review Notice by Chair
> From Bylaw 2.3: If the Draft Guideline Ballot is proposing a Final 
> Maintenance Guideline, such ballot will include a redline or 
> comparison showing the set of changes from the Final Guideline 
> section(s) intended to become a Final Maintenance Guideline, and need 
> not include a copy of the full set of guidelines.  Such redline or 
> comparison shall be made against the Final Guideline section(s) as 
> they exist at the time a ballot is proposed, and need not take into 
> consideration other ballots that may be proposed subsequently, except 
> as provided in Bylaw Section 2.3(j).
> Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread on the 
> Public list.  A vote in favor of the motion must indicate a clear 
> 'yes' in the response. A vote against must indicate a clear 'no' in 
> the response. A vote to abstain must indicate a clear 'abstain' in the 
> response. Unclear responses will not be counted. The latest vote 
> received from any representative of a voting member before the close 
> of the voting period will be counted. Voting members are listed here: 
> https://cabforum.org/members/
> In order for the motion to be adopted, two thirds or more of the votes 
> cast by members in the CA category and greater than 50% of the votes 
> cast by members in the browser category must be in favor. Quorum is 
> shown on CA/Browser Forum wiki.  Under Bylaw 2.2(g), at least the 
> required quorum number must participate in the ballot for the ballot 
> to be valid, either by voting in favor, voting against, or abstaining.
> -- 
> Chris Bailey
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> Public mailing list
> Public at cabforum.org
> https://cabforum.org/mailman/listinfo/public

Arno Fiedler
Nimbus Technologieberatung GmbH
Reichensteiner Weg 17
14195 Berlin
Mobil:      0049-(0)172-3053272
Fax:        0049-(0)30-89745-777
E-Mail:     arno.fiedler at nimbus-berlin.com
Web:        www.nimbus-berlin.com
Geschäftsführer:  Arno Fiedler
USt-IdNr. :       DE 203 269 920
D-U-N-S® Nr.      50-730-8117
HandelsregisterNr:HRB 109409 B

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