[cabfpub] Final Minutes of CA/B Forum Call May 12, 2016

Dean Coclin Dean_Coclin at symantec.com
Sun May 29 00:32:50 UTC 2016

Final minutes May 12, 2016


Attendees: Alex Wight (Cisco), Atsushi Inaba (Globalsign), Ben Wilson
(Digicert), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Dean Coclin (Symantec), Dimitris
Zacharopoulos (Harica), Geoff Keating (Apple), Gervase Markham (Mozilla),
Jos Purvis (Cisco), Li-Chun Chen (Chunghwa Telecom), Mads Henriksveen
(BuyPass), Peter Bowen (Amazon), Peter Miscovic (Disig), Rick Andrews
(Symantec), Robin Alden (Comodo), Ryan Sleevi (Google), Sanjay Modi
(Symantec), Tim Hollebeek (Trustwave), Tim Shirley (Trustwave),Tyler Myers
(GoDaddy), Wayne Thayer (GoDaddy)



1.       Roll Call completed.


2.       Antitrust Statement was read by Ben.


3.       Agenda Reviewed.  


4.       Minutes of 28 April meeting: The minutes were approved with one
minor correction pointed out by Mads and will be sent to the public list.  


5.       Ballot Status: Ballots 168 passed.


6.       Domain Validation draft ballot (169): Jeremy and Kirk were absent
so Peter gave an update. Discussions are continuing on the list to refine
the ballot. The goal is to continue the review period until after Bilbao,
with voting to start after then.


7.       Governance Review Working Group.  The group had their initial
meeting last week. Dean Coclin and Ben Wilson were elected as co-chairs. The
group's next task was to brainstorm a list of areas that they want to
tackle, which created a broad list. At the F2F meeting, the group plans on
reviewing that list and prioritizing it. 


8.       Trend Micro membership termination: As a result of the closing of
the sale of Trend Micro's SSL business to Entrust, Trend's membership was
terminated as of April 28th. Kirk and Chris are now with Entrust.


9.       IPR: A formality to approve members who submitted their IPR
agreements after the 30 day window was conducted. There were no objections
so the following have full membership status now: ESG de electronische
signatuur B.V., Koninklijke KPN N.V., ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, CFCA,
Digidentity. Docusign, D-Trust, E-TUGRA, Firmaprofesional, Kamu, Network
Solutions, OATI, SheCA, SSC, Startcom, Swisscom, Trustis, Wells Fargo and
Browsers: Apple, Microsoft, Qihoo 360.  The following members have not
properly submitted their new IPR and remain suspended: Camerfirma, SECOM,
Visa. Cisco signed their IPR but crossed out one line. Jos explained the
reasoning for that which was a concern about unpublished patents.
Subsequently they had a change in IP council and need to discuss this area
again with the PAG. They would like to resolve as soon as possible. A
discussion ensued with members stating that the IPR is a "take it or leave
it" document. The reasoning for having the stricken clause in the document
were given. Allowing any member to make changes cannot be handled by the
forum and cannot be allowed. Cisco clarified that they want to work it out
with the PAG. Ben said he would convene another PAG meeting. Since their
status at this moment would not allow them to attend meetings, the chair
invited them to attend the F2F (as allowed by our bylaws). Cisco will send 3
reps to Bilbao. Jos clarified Cisco's legal concern in that some patent
applications are very broad and may only have a small piece related to
certificates.  A discussion on IPR review periods began with Dean stating
that he was reminded that we need to send out IPR review notices and that we
would need to "catch up" since none had been sent since Oct 2014. Ryan said
one interpretation is that the Ballot results notices which Dean sends out
could be used as the "notification". Peter said he would like more clarity
than that and suggested a "catch up" notice be sent. Ryan said that might be
problematic as it may affect the "Effective Date" of the guideline change
and hence current audits but would have to think about it more. He also said
we should look at a process and be consistent. Dean suggested we add this to
the agenda for Bilbao and prepare a summary of the relevant ballots since
Oct 2014 (ballots relating to things like bylaws, IPR and other
administrative items would not be included).


10.   Validation WG Update: No further updates other than the Ballot


11.   Code Signing WG Update: Working group members plan to meet in Bilbao
although discussion on the mailing list has focused on whether this group
should be considered as part of the formal agenda since the ballot to
approve the group's work product did not pass. Nonetheless, the group will
meet and plans to wrap up its activities there.  


12.   Policy WG Update: The group is working on additions to Section 5.1. 


13.   Information Sharing WG Update: No update. 


14.   Other Business: Dimitris has drafted some text for the website on
certs with IP/SAN names. He asked for someone technical to review and
possibly test before we post it. We will discuss in Bilbao.  Dean said the
agenda on the wiki will change due to some logistical issues but the content
will remain the same (with minor updates) and he will publish it again one
week prior to the meeting. 


15.   Next meeting will be in Bilbao on May 24th - 26th


16.   Meeting adjourned 




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