[cabfpub] SAN private extensions pursuant specific SSL/EV Spanish ruled profile
Chema Lopez
clopez at firmaprofesional.com
Thu Jul 7 06:45:40 UTC 2016
Yes, they remain valid. There is not legal constrain regarding this July
1st to remain valid.
*Chema López GonzálezDirector Área de Innovación, Cumplimiento y
TecnologíaAC Firmaprofesional S.A.*
Av. Torre Blanca, 57.
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès. Barcelona.
Tel: 93.477.42.45 / 666.429.224
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On 7 July 2016 at 02:06, Moudrick M. Dadashov <md at ssc.lt> wrote:
> Are those certificates remain valid after the July 1st?
> Thanks,
> M.D.
> On 7/6/2016 11:55 PM, Dean Coclin wrote:
> I recall there being some discussion on another list about this (perhaps
> Mozilla) and maybe others that follow that could comment.
> If you want to bring this up on the CABF call, please let me know.
> Unfortunately this week’s agenda is full but we could schedule it for 2
> weeks from now.
> Thanks
> Dean
> *From:* public-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org
> <public-bounces at cabforum.org>] *On Behalf Of *Chema Lopez
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 29, 2016 1:34 PM
> *To:* public at cabforum.org
> *Subject:* [cabfpub] SAN private extensions pursuant specific SSL/EV
> Spanish ruled profile
> Dear all.
> There was a law in Spain that regulates the profile for some specific
> certificates, i.e.:
> 1. Civil Servant or Public Employee (natural person certificate)
> 2. Electronic Seal for Automated Administrative Action
> 3. Electronic Office Certificate (SSL or EV for Public Administrations)
> You can find the profiles attached (unfortunately only in Spanish).
> The problem is that these profiles required private extensions in the SAN,
> and this conflicts BR and EV Guidelines. At least, crt.sh shows this
> extensions as an error. See the private extensions below.
> [image: Inline images 1]
> This law has been repealed recently and the new one does not require this
> extensions but, how do we, Spanish TSP, handle the SSL and EV certificates
> issued following the previous law? In my opinion, an exception needs to be
> added.
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> Best regards,
> *Chema López González Director Área de Innovación, Cumplimiento y
> Tecnología AC Firmaprofesional S.A.*
> Av. Torre Blanca, 57.
> Edificio ESADECREAPOLIS - 1B13
> 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès. Barcelona.
> Tel: 93.477.42.45 / 666.429.224
> El contenido de este mensaje y de sus anexos es confidencial. Si no es el
> destinatario, le hacemos saber que está prohibido utilizarlo, divulgarlo
> y/o copiarlo sin tener la autorización correspondiente. Si ha recibido este
> mensaje por error, le agradeceríamos que lo haga saber inmediatamente al
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