[cabfpub] SHA-1 exception application status
Dean Coclin
Dean_Coclin at symantec.com
Fri Jul 29 16:51:09 UTC 2016
Gerv, Andrew, Ryan, Jody, Geoff,
Today represents the 10th day of the minimum 10 day waiting period for the
TSYS application.
Hopefully by this time you have had a chance to get all questions answered
and clarified, confirmed all details in the requests, performed the
counter-cryptanalysis and weighed the risk to the ecosystem. We await your
responses as indicated in Step Three of the procedure.
Obviously, TSYS are looking for an affirmative acceptance to allow Symantec
to produce the certs this weekend in time for their installation window and
to avoid disruption to the affected payment terminals.
It would be helpful to hear your status and/or approval/rejection today so
we can schedule the appropriate resources for the weekend.
Per the procedure, please insure your response is S/MIME or PGP signed or
provide an OOB method for verification.
Thanks again for your help in coming up with this process in response to the
community feedback.
Dean Coclin
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