[cabfpub] Certificate Authority Program of Apple

TUĞBA ÖZCAN tugba.ozcan at kamusm.gov.tr
Fri Jul 1 09:35:14 UTC 2016


Hi All,


This is Tuğba from Kamu SM (Government CA of Turkey). 


I want to ask you about Certificate authority program of Apple. We have a
new root and we want to add it to Apple Safari's Trusted lists.


We had written email four times to
'certificate-authority-program at group.apple.com' but we could not get any
answer since October 2015. We are getting automatic email response after
sending email, then we could not get any answer. 


Do you have any information on this subject, what is the reason for this, is
this program closed?


Please , could you share your experiences on this subject, how long did it
take to get an answer, also is there any other way of adding our root to
Apple's Trusted list?









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