[cabfpub] Additional OIDs in end-entity certificates

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Sun Aug 21 21:49:22 UTC 2016

On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Kirk Hall <Kirk.Hall at entrust.com> wrote:

> On our recent teleconference, the Forum discussed what happens when there
> is a conflict between the naming requirements of the Baseline Requirements
> (generally at BR 7.1.4) and a conflicting local or national requirement.
> The current issue will be discussed in the Minutes for the August 18
> teleconference once approved, but it did occur to some of us that this kind
> of issue will arise again in the future.
> One place where if could arise is with the EU’s eIDAS requirements.  See
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EIDAS
> This email is not about eIDAS, but is intended to pose a simple question
> (mainly to the browsers):  if a CA wants to include a new OID of its
> choosing in a certificate (such as a specified eIDAS OID that means “This
> certificate complies with eIDAS regulations”), is there any reason not to
> allow that?  I understand that the browsers may choose to ignore such a new
> OID (for example, the browsers may decide “we will not give this eIDAS OID
> cert any special UI in the browser), but is there any technical reason for
> prohibiting CAs from including such extra OIDs in their certificates if
> they want to?  Do we need to limit what OIDs can be included in an
> end-entity certificate – and if so, why?

I'm not sure I understand your motivations for phrasing the question as you
did, as it does seem somewhat separate from issued discussed in the (to be
published) minutes. In particular, the concern was related to conflicting
requirements, rather than additive requirements.

There is nothing in the BRs that prohibits multiple OIDs from being
asserted in the certificatePolicies extension; merely, that AT LEAST one of
the OIDs maps back to the CA's CP/CPS to a policy that indicates compliance
with the BRs.

I think Jody gave me an explanation of why extra OIDs could be problematic
> for Windows, but I can’t remember what it was.
> What about Apple, Mozilla, Google?  Any problems with CAs including an
> extra OID in a certificate?

Define problems? It would appear you're using the term to indicate
technical problems, Baseline Requirements prohibitions, and general
opinions/opposition. It's unclear if you're actually interested in the
superset, or if you're trying to find out a specific one of those.

It's also unclear if you're trying to relate this to what was discussed
(which I don't believe these questions do), based on your introduction of
the topic, or if you're looking for clarification for an issue you
recognize as orthogonal.

> If there are no problems, I think we should perhaps amend the BRs to make
> it clear extra OIDs are permitted.

Could you please explain why you do not believe it's clear already? That
is, what other interpretations from the language, as written, do you see,
which would lead you to seeking clarification or rewording? Any attempt to
make it clear first has to understand why it isn't clear already, and
whether that lack of clarity is due to the wording itself or a lack of
familiarity with the technical standards.
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