[cabfpub] Repost by text mode: An subject in Direct-controlled m unicipality (Special municipality ) or in small countries witho ut State/Province with EVGL Version 1.6.0 section 9.2.7

realsky(CHT) realsky at cht.com.tw
Thu Aug 11 15:36:11 UTC 2016

   I repost this discussion to solve format problem received by email client.
   In EVGL section 9.2.7,

9.2.7. Subject Physical Address of Place of Business Field
Certificate fields:
Number and street: subject:streetAddress (OID:
City or town: subject:localityName (OID:
State or province (where applicable): subject:stateOrProvinceName (OID:
Country: subject:countryName (OID:
Postal code: subject:postalCode (OID:
Required/Optional: City, state, and country – Required; Street and postal code – Optional
Contents: This field MUST contain the address of the physical location of the Subject’s Place of Business.

  I suggest to amend above paragraph  about “state is required” for the address of Subject’s place of Business for small countries without State/Province and Direct-controlled municipality  (Special municipality ).


                    Li-Chun CHEN
                    Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd.

-----Original message-----
From:realsky(CHT) <realsky at cht.com.tw>
To:CABFPub <public at cabforum.org>
Date:Thu, 11 Aug 2016 23:02:42
Subject:[cabfpub]Repost by text mode:An appliacnt in Direct-controlled municipality (Special municipality ) or in small countries without State/Province with EVGL Version 1.6.0 section 9.2.5  

    I repost this discussion to solve format problem. I sent by HTML mode by Microsoft Outlook 2010 in office computer before, but other representive of CP working group suugested me to use text mode to prevent some code appeared in other email client software. 

    In CP working group call two weeks ago, I have pointed out a question about an entity in Special municipality with EVGL version 1.6.0  section 9.2.5. I think we can discuss in CP working group call or discussion in the mailing list. 

  In Section 9.25, the jurisdiction for the applicable Incorporating Agency or Registration Agency at the locality level MUST include the country and state or province information, where the state or province regulates the registration of the entities at the locality level, as well as the locality information. Country information MUST be specified using the applicable ISO country code. State or province or locality information (where applicable) for the Subject’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration MUST be specified using the full name of the applicable jurisdiction.

  Let us take a business entity such as “ABC store” in Taipei city as an example. Taipei city is a special municipality (Direct-controlled municipality), so the Subject DN will be

CN =ABC Store's FQDN
O = ABC Store
L = Taipei City
C = TW
PostalCode = 10001
STREET = ABC Store's street Address
SERIALNUMBER = ABC Store's uniform number of tax status = Taipei City = = TW = Business entity

  As the rank of Taipei City, in current law and EVGL, I don’t know how to give the value for (jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName) attribute.

  Or could we use 

CN =ABC Store's FQDN
O = ABC Store
L = Taipei City
C = TW
PostalCode = 10001
STREET = ABC Store's street Address
SERIALNUMBER = ABC Store's uniform number of tax status = Taipei City = TW = Business entity

  Is it acceptable by browser?

   In  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct-controlled_municipality, there are 11 countries have Direct-controlled municipalities. I doubt there will be the same problem. 
   More information can be find in  https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9B%B4%E8%BE%96%E5%B8%82, but they were written in traditional Chinese, may be you could use Google online translation.

The issue will also appears in small countries without State/Province like Taiwan and Singapore, etc. 

   I think the problem should be considered with the relief of BR section (Subject Distinguished Name Fields ) d/e together. 

   Full paragraph of current EVGL Version 1.6.0 are as below: 

9.2.5. Subject Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration Field

Certificate fields:
Locality (if required):subject:jurisdictionLocalityName (OID:
   ASN.1 - X520LocalityName as specified in RFC 5280
State or province (if required):
subject:jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName (OID:
   ASN.1 - X520StateOrProvinceName as specified in RFC 5280
Country:subject:jurisdictionCountryName (OID:
   ASN.1 – X520countryName as specified in RFC 5280
Required/Optional: Required
Contents: These fields MUST NOT contain information that is not relevant to the level of the Incorporating
Agency or Registration Agency. For example, the Jurisdiction of Incorporation for an Incorporating Agency or Jurisdiction of Registration for a Registration Agency that operates at the country level MUST include the country information but MUST NOT include the state or province or locality information. Similarly, the jurisdiction for the applicable Incorporating Agency or Registration Agency at the state or province level MUST include both
country and state or province information, but MUST NOT include locality information. And, the jurisdiction for
the applicable Incorporating Agency or Registration Agency at the locality level MUST include the country and
state or province information, where the state or province regulates the registration of the entities at the locality level, as well as the locality information. Country information MUST be specified using the applicable ISO
country code. State or province or locality information (where applicable) for the Subject’s Jurisdiction of
Incorporation or Registration MUST be specified using the full name of the applicable jurisdiction.

                    Li-Chun CHEN
                    Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd.


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