[cabfpub] Browsers & Enrollment (was Re: Edge Browser Can't View Certificate)

Ryan Sleevi sleevi at google.com
Wed Sep 2 19:46:29 UTC 2015

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Geoff Keating <geoffk at apple.com> wrote:

> > On 2 Sep 2015, at 7:43 AM, Ben Laurie <benl at google.com> wrote:
> >
> > It seems to me that this is a problem that should be solved at the OS
> level...
> At the OS level, a solution would be for each CA to create an app, one for
> each OS, which runs the certificate enrollment process and installs the
> certificate at the end.  Is that the kind of solution people are expecting?

Well, not necessarily a permutation of apps at the dimension of OS x CA

To the extent that every OS (and key store) is a special snowflake, with
non-common idioms (from enrollment to naming to ACLs), the idea of a
browser providing a common API to paper over these differences is...
unlikely. As anyone who has seen the abysmal reality of key provisioning :)

Ben's point was more to the idea that, at the OS level, support for various
enrollment schemes can (and, perhaps, should) exist. For example, both
Microsoft and Apple support SCEP (in admittedly differing forms). And while
there's other enrollment protocols (CMC, EST, and, more recently, ACME),
and there's vendor specific protocols (as SCEP ostensibly was/is, and for
which several CAs have their own schemes), somewhere at the level, the
integration of "OS providing secure key management" and "CA wishing to
leverage secure key management" should be solved at that intersection,
rather than introducing the browser to (incompletely, insufficiently)
mediate the two.

As I'm sure most of the CAs on the list are painfully aware, <keygen>
doesn't really provide the level of controls needed for business cases
(such as Rob's example of code signing). While CertEnroll (nee XEnroll)
offers much greater flexibility, it does so in a way that is intrinsically
tied to the OS and OS concepts, and doesn't offer a solution viable either
cross-browser or cross-platform. Similarly, attempts from other browsers in
the space (c.f. window.crypto.generateCRMFRequest) were naturally tied to
the platform. Even iOS's support for SCEP is gated behind the MDM Profile
that handles much of the platform & SCEP integration.

But ultimately, assuming that the key store itself (which is generally, but
not necessarily, a function of the OS) can't solve or agree upon interfaces
for provisioning and loading keys, then yes, I think the world in which
each CA creates a per-OS app that does what the CA needs is a far better,
more realistic, and, counter-intuitively, more managable solution than
attempting to find a workable intersection of (key store providers,
browsers, secure element vendors, CAs, users). And I say that having
watched multiple "one enrollment scheme to solve them all" attempts in the
IETF explode the standards conflagration that naturally results from a 'one
size fits all, standardize ALL the things' approach.
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