[cabfpub] Domain validation

Eddy Nigg eddy_nigg at startcom.org
Thu Apr 16 15:39:57 UTC 2015

On 04/16/2015 06:22 PM, Tim Hollebeek wrote:
> All of the domain validation methods are weak and can generally be 
> subverted by someone who has or can get administrative or technical 
> control of a crucial part of the domain or infrastructure (the 
> hostmaster@ controversy with CERT is the same issue).  Improving the 
> validation of Domain Validated certificates is not the goal of this 
> ballot.

There is a difference of somebody that was never authorized to obtain 
certificates and a reasonable domain control validation. Not sure what's 
the goal of this ballot, but there seems to be more than just weak 
points IMO.

Pointing a host name to an IP address doesn't provide administrative or 
technical control at all.

Signer: 	Eddy Nigg, COO/CTO
	StartCom Ltd. <http://www.startcom.org>
XMPP: 	startcom at startcom.org <xmpp:startcom at startcom.org>
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