[cabfpub] [TRANS] CA survey - CT Precertificate format in6962-bis
Rob Stradling
rob.stradling at comodo.com
Fri Oct 3 19:06:14 UTC 2014
On 03/10/14 17:21, Rich Smith wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: public-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org]
>> On Behalf Of Stephen Davidson
> <snip>
> it goes live in 89 days.
> </snip>
> [RWS] Unless Ballot 134 fails to pass. IF that happens, the CAs which issue
> EV certificates will have a choice to make. Either issue pre-certificates
> with the same serial number in contravention of the EV Guidelines to comply
> with Google's policy, and thereby risk failing their WebTrust or ETSI
> compliance audit, OR not issue pre-certificates with the same serial number,
> remain in compliance with the EV Guidelines, and let Google deal with the
> site operators whose compliant EV certificates no longer work in Chrome.
OR issue Precertificates, taking the view that Precertificates are out
of scope for the BRs.
OR issue Precertificates, taking the view that Precertificates are in
scope for the BRs, but that duplicate serial numbers don't violate the
BRs (because the BRs don't actually incorporate RFC5280 Section
Plenty of options.
>> Best regards, Stephen
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: public-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org]
>> On Behalf Of Rob Stradling
>> Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 5:36 PM
>> To: public at cabforum.org
>> Subject: [cabfpub] [TRANS] CA survey - CT Precertificate format in
>> 6962-bis
>> [Only CABForum members can post to this list, hence why I'm forwarding
>> this message from Melinda Shore]
>> Hi, all:
>> I co-chair the IETF "trans" working group, which is in the process of
>> developing a standards-track specification for certificate transparency
>> (logging). We're trying to get a handle on the potential impact of
>> including serial numbers in precertificates.
>> Are there CAs who would otherwise implement CT but for whom either
>> needing to know the serial number of a certificate prior to it being
>> issued, or having to issue a certificate and precertificate
>> simultaneously would be 1) a complete non-starter, or 2) excessively
>> onerous?
>> Thanks,
>> Melinda
>> --
>> Rob Stradling
>> Senior Research & Development Scientist
>> COMODO - Creating Trust Online
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Rob Stradling
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