[cabfpub] Ballot to establish voting process for chair and vicechair
Ben Wilson
ben.wilson at digicert.com
Wed Oct 1 16:48:33 UTC 2014
OK - I missed Gerv's endorsement, or forgot about it and didn't get back to it. Sorry. I have just sent the ballot out, so I guess the point is moot.
I still need a sponsor and two endorsers of Ballot 137.
From: Rich Smith [mailto:richard.smith at comodo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 10:46 AM
To: Ben Wilson; public at cabforum.org
Subject: RE: [cabfpub] Ballot to establish voting process for chair and vicechair
I see emails from Rob Horne (Trustis) and Gervase Markham (Mozilla) endorsing Ballot 136. I thought you only needed 2, and maybe you missed one of those, but if you still need one, I'll endorse.
From: public-bounces at cabforum.org<mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org> [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] On Behalf Of Ben Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 12:23 PM
To: public at cabforum.org<mailto:public at cabforum.org>
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot to establish voting process for chair and vicechair
I am going to number this Ballot "137" but I believe I am also still seeking another endorser for Ballot 136 to elect Dean Coclin as Chair.
Do I have one more endorser for Ballot 136?
Do I have a sponsor and two endorsers for Ballot 137?
From: Ben Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 12:31 PM
To: public at cabforum.org<mailto:public at cabforum.org>
Subject: RE: [cabfpub] Ballot to establish voting process for chair and vice chair
Here is a possible solution
Add a subheading to the first paragraph of section 4.1 as follows: "(a) Term of office:"
Amend the subsequent paragraphs as follows:
(b) Manner of conducting nominations:
At least sixty (60) days prior to the Upon expiration or early termination of the current Chair's term or upon his/her early termination as Chair, the Chair or Vice Chair will announce through the management mailing list that nominations are open for the office of Chair and the Vice Chair will automatically be nominated as to become the next Chair, but Forum Members may nominate themselves or others to be additional candidates as Chair. A Vice Chair may decline the nomination to the office of Chair and/or indicate an intent to seek nomination for re-election to the office of Vice Chair. The nomination period for Chair will last for at least one week but no longer than four weeks. Upon the close of the nominations for Chair, the nomination period for the office of Vice Chair shall immediately open. The nomination period for Vice Chair will last for at least one week but no longer than four weeks.
(c) Manner of holding officer elections:
If a single individual is nominated for a position, the Forum will hold a ballot to confirm appointment of the nominee. For the confirmation ballot, each Forum Member is entitled to a single vote regardless of the number of participating Forum Member representatives or whether the Forum Member is categorized as a CA or product supplier. If multiple votes are received from a Forum Member's representatives, the last vote submitted during the voting period is considered the Forum Member's vote. The single nominee is considered confirmed if a majority of the Forum members who vote are in favor of the appointment, regardless of the number of votes cast and irrespective of whether 2/3 of the CAs or 1/2 of the product suppliers approve appointment of the nominee.
If more than one candidate is nominated for Chair or Vice Chair, the Forum will announce an election ballot to determine which candidate will fill the position. upon close of nominations, Within two weeks after the close of the nomination period, the Chair or Vice Chair will establish an election committee and announce the election ballot on the management mailing list along with the ballot start date, ballot end date, and a description of the voting process. The Chair or Vice Chair will appoint the election committee by selecting at least two volunteers who have a reputation for independence, preferably individuals without voting rights in the Forum and that participate as Interested Parties. The election committee is responsible solely for tallying Forum Member votes in connection with the election ballot. The description must include the email address(es) where members will send their vote, which should be the email addresses of the election committee. ballot will be held in the regular manner to select the new Chair. If the election of a new Chair means the office of Vice Chair becomes vacant, the Members may nominate themselves or other candidates to the office of Vice Chair, and a ballot will be held in the regular manner to elect the new Vice Chair.
For election ballots, each Forum Member is entitled to a single vote regardless of the number of participating Forum Member representatives or whether the Forum Member is categorized as a CA or product supplier. If multiple votes are received from a Forum Member's representatives, the last vote submitted during the voting period is considered the Forum Member's vote. Within two weeks after the election ballot closes, the election committee will compile the votes, ensure that only one vote is counted per Forum Member, confirm the results with other members of the election committee, and publish the ballot results by sending an email to the public mailing list. The election committee will not include any votes submitted before or after the voting period when compiling the votes. The ballot results email will contain only the following information: a short description of the ballot purpose, the total number of votes submitted during the ballot period, and the name of the nominee receiving the most votes. The election committee may include other language as necessary to accurately describe the ballot and any concerns the election committee had with the ballot, provided that such language does not disclose how individual Forum Members voted. The election committee will treat the votes of individual Forum Members as confidential information. The nominee receiving the most votes is appointed to the applicable position, regardless of the number of votes cast and irrespective of whether 2/3 of the CAs or ½ of the product suppliers voted for the nominee. If the election ballot results in a tie among the candidates receiving the most votes, the Chair or Vice Chair will call for another election ballot that includes only the two tying candidates.
From: public-bounces at cabforum.org<mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org> [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org] On Behalf Of Ben Wilson
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:41 AM
To: public at cabforum.org<mailto:public at cabforum.org>
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot to establish voting process for chair and vice chair
We should reword this so that we can begin nominations before vacancy. I know that it says "on or before" - but this, and the language "upon expiration or early termination" seem to imply that the vacancy has occurred. In many organizations elections are allowed to take place earlier, for purposes of continuity, etc. Case in point, we should be able to move forward on a ballot to elect Dean as Chair before my term ends. I'll take a look at the language and see if I can provide a suggestion or two.
Ballot 136 - Chair Election
Amendment to Section 4.1 of CA/Browser Forum Bylaws to Clarify Election Process for Chair and Vice Chair
Motion Begins
The third paragraph of section 4.1 of the CA/Browser Forum's bylaws is amended as follows:
Upon expiration or early termination of the current Chair's term, the Vice Chair will automatically be nominated as to become the next Chair, but Forum Members may nominate themselves or others to be additional candidates as Chair. On or before the second week of a position's vacancy, the Chair or Vice Chair will announce, through the management mailing list, a start date and close date for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair, with the nomination period lasting at least one week. If a single individual is nominated for a position, the Forum will hold a ballot to confirm appointment of the nominee. For the confirmation ballot, each Forum Member is entitled to a single vote regardless of the number of participating Forum Member representatives or whether the Forum Member is categorized as a CA or product supplier. If multiple votes are received from a Forum Member's representatives, the last vote submitted during the voting period is considered the Forum Member's vote. The single nominee is considered confirmed if a majority of the Forum members who vote are in favor of the appointment, regardless of the number of votes cast and irrespective of whether 2/3 of the CAs or 1/2 of the product suppliers approve appointment of the nominee.
If more than one candidate is nominated for Chair or Vice Chair, the Forum will announce an election ballot to determine which candidate will fill the position. upon close of nominations, Within two weeks after the close of the nomination period, the Chair or Vice Chair will establish an election committee and announce the election ballot on the management mailing list along with the ballot start date, ballot end date, and a description of the voting process. The Chair or Vice Chair will appoint the election committee by selecting at least two volunteers who have a reputation for independence, preferably individuals without voting rights in the Forum and that participate as Interested Parties. The election committee is responsible solely for tallying Forum Member votes in connection with the election ballot. The description must include the email address(es) where members will send their vote, which should be the email addresses of the election committee. ballot will be held in the regular manner to select the new Chair. If the election of a new Chair means the office of Vice Chair becomes vacant, the Members may nominate themselves or other candidates to the office of Vice Chair, and a ballot will be held in the regular manner to elect the new Vice Chair.
For election ballots, each Forum Member is entitled to a single vote regardless of the number of participating Forum Member representatives or whether the Forum Member is categorized as a CA or product supplier. If multiple votes are received from a Forum Member's representatives, the last vote submitted during the voting period is considered the Forum Member's vote. Within two weeks after the election ballot closes, the election committee will compile the votes, ensure that only one vote is counted per Forum Member, confirm the results with other members of the election committee, and publish the ballot results by sending an email to the public mailing list. The election committee will not include any votes submitted before or after the voting period when compile the votes. The ballot results email will contain only the following information: a short description of the ballot purpose, the total number of votes submitted during the ballot period, and the name of the nominee receiving the most votes. The election committee may include other language as necessary to accurately describe the ballot and any concerns the election committee had with the ballot provided that such language does not disclose how individual Forum Members voted. The election committee will treat the votes of individual Forum Members as confidential information. The nominee receiving the most votes is appointed to the applicable position, regardless of the number of votes cast and irrespective of whether 2/3 of the CAs or ½ of the product suppliers voted for the nominee. If the election ballot results in a tie, the Chair or Vice Chair will hold another election ballot that includes only the tying nominees.
Motion Ends
The review period for this ballot shall commence at 2200 UTC on 2014, and will close at 2200 UTC on 2014. Unless the motion is withdrawn during the review period, the voting period will start immediately thereafter and will close at 2200 UTC on 2014. Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread.
A vote in favor of the motion must indicate a clear 'yes' in the response. A vote against must indicate a clear 'no' in the response. A vote to abstain must indicate a clear 'abstain' in the response. Unclear responses will not be counted. The latest vote received from any representative of a voting member before the close of the voting period will be counted. Voting members are listed here: https://cabforum.org/members/
In order for the motion to be adopted, two thirds or more of the votes cast by members in the CA category and greater than 50% of the votes cast by members in the browser category must be in favor. Also, at least seven members must participate in the ballot, either by voting in favor, voting against, or abstaining.
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