[cabfpub] Ballot 129 - Update PSL language in BR 11.1.3

Brian Smith brian at briansmith.org
Sun Jul 20 01:34:40 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Gervase Markham <gerv at mozilla.org> wrote:
> If the process for making this determination is standardized by an RFC,
> then such a procedure SHOULD be preferred.

I think that this part is very problematic.

Firstly, there are lots of kinds of RFCs; presumably you mean "IETF
proposed standard or IETF standard."

Secondly, it also assumes that any IETF standard will be a good one
that is reasonable for us all to implement (and also that there is
only one such standard). I don't think that is a safe assumption. It
is far from clear that any DNS-based solution will have good enough
performance characteristics, and more generally it isn't clear that a
standardized mechanism will be technically superior to the use of the
PSL for the same purpose, though of course we would hope that would be
the case.

Why not just leave this sentence out, and if/when a suitable standard
is agreed upon, implemented, and widely deployed, have another ballot
to switch to that standard?


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