[cabfpub] Ballot 128 - Creation of the CP Review Working Group

Håvard Molland haavardm at opera.com
Tue Jul 8 12:30:29 UTC 2014

Opera votes YES.


On 07. juli 2014 10:08, Rémi Pifaut wrote:
> OpenTrust votes YES.
> Kind regards.
> Remi.
> *From:*Jeremy Rowley [mailto:jeremy.rowley at digicert.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:55 AM
> *To:* 'CABFPub'
> *Subject:* New working group
> Hi everyone,
> During the CAB Forum face-to-face meeting, we discussed creating a 
> working group to compare the NIST IR proposal and various with the 
> existing CAB Forum work product. The group will also continue our 
> contemplation on converting to a 3647 format to make future 
> comparisons easier.
> Many of the ideas encompassed in these other standards documents are 
> great ideas that could improve the BRs, EV Guidelines, or Network 
> Security Guidelines. Although the Forum may not adopt the specific 
> language presented in these documents, we certainly can use the 
> previous work product as a starting point for discussion. This group 
> is tasked with identifying those starting point and either bringing 
> them to the main CAB Forum or making recommended ballot proposals.
> Most CPs, including the NIST IR, are formatted in a 3647 format.  The 
> BRs are a CP that lacks this format. Having the CAB Forum use an 
> RFC-complaint format will increase the ease in comparing new and 
> existing guidelines with Forum work product.  The group will look at 
> the 3647 conversion work already completed and decide whether the CAB 
> Forum should continue the project.
> To accommodate these goals, we plan to create the new CP Review 
> Working Group.  I look forward to the discussions.
> *_Ballot 128 -- CP Review Working Group_*
> Jeremy Rowley (DigiCert) made the following motion, endorsed by Dean 
> Coclin (Symantec) and Doug Beattie (GlobalSign).
> **
> *__*
> The CAB Forum shall create a Working Group called the CP Review 
> Working Group.
> Scope: The CP Review Working Group will (i) consider existing and 
> proposed standards, (ii) create a list of potential improvements based 
> on the considered standards that improve the existing CAB Forum work 
> product, (iii) evaluate the transition to a 3647 format based on the 
> amount.
> Deliverables: The Working Group will produce topics of discussion and 
> proposed ballots that improve the CA infrastructure based on existing 
> standards and documents.  The Working Group will also make a 
> recommendation on whether to finish the 3647 conversion. Of course, 
> all work product produced by the Working Group is non-binding on the 
> forum until officially adopted by ballot.
> *... MOTION ENDS ...*
> The review period starts on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 and ends on July 
> 2, 2014. Voting starts at 2200 UTC on Wednesday, July 2, 2014. The 
> voting period will close at 2200 UTC on Wednesday, July 9, 2014.
> Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread.
> A vote in favor of the ballot must indicate a clear 'yes' in the response.
> A vote against the ballot must indicate a clear 'no' in the response.
> A vote to abstain must indicate a clear 'abstain' in the response.
> Unclear responses will not be counted.
> The latest vote received from any representative of a voting member 
> before the close of the voting period will be counted.
> Voting members are listed here: http://www.cabforum.org/forum.html
> In order for the motion to be adopted, two thirds or more of the votes 
> cast by members in the CA category and more than one half of the votes 
> cast by members in the browser category must be in favor. Also, quorum 
> is currently six (6) members-- at least six members must participate 
> in the ballot, either by voting in favor, voting against, or by 
> abstaining for the vote to be valid.
> Thanks!
> Jeremy
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