[cabfpub] Draft Bylaw 5.3 change re creation of Working Groups

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Wed Jul 2 09:21:28 UTC 2014

On 01/07/14 22:46, kirk_hall at trendmicro.com wrote:
> [KH] Because a full Ballot takes time, and to my recollection we have
> never actually held a Ballot to establish a Working Group.  

We did; we had one for the Performance WG (ballot 109). But at the time,
it did seem a bit unnecessary.

> Many people
> at the last Forum meeting felt that it would be an unnecessary waste of
> time to hold a ballot just to create a working group, when any product
> and recommendations from the Working Group must come back to the Forum
> as ballots for public discussion and voting.

I think this is key. As long as the Forum as a whole has control over
what the Forum approves, and the Working Groups are just a subset of
interested parties making proposals, I don't see a risk that WGs will
become a mechanism for the Forum to shift scope.


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