[cabfpub] CT discussion at CABF

Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) eddy_nigg at startcom.org
Fri Feb 21 11:13:07 UTC 2014

On 02/21/2014 12:55 PM, From Rob Stradling:
> There's a big difference between (1) a feature/update being available 
> in the latest version of some third-party software and (2) that 
> feature/update actually being deployed everywhere.

Yes, this can take some time - as client software will have to be 
updated as well and pre-CT clients will not support CT either. A client 
that doesn't support CT will not check it either way, neither pre-cert 
nor otherwise. That's pretty much how things work.

Signer: 	Eddy Nigg, COO/CTO
	StartCom Ltd. <http://www.startcom.org>
XMPP: 	startcom at startcom.org <xmpp:startcom at startcom.org>
Blog: 	Join the Revolution! <http://blog.startcom.org>
Twitter: 	Follow Me <http://twitter.com/eddy_nigg>

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