[cabfpub] Updated Draft Agenda for F2F Meeting 31

Ben Wilson ben at digicert.com
Mon Feb 10 21:59:35 UTC 2014

Here is the updated draft agenda (full details are now available on the


Time      Start      Stop       Slot        Description 

WORKING GROUP MEETINGS - (Tue) 18 February 2014

0:05        9:00        9:05                        Welcome, Prelim Matters,
Logistics, etc. 

0:05        9:05        9:10                        Antitrust Statement 

1:30        9:10        10:40     1              RFC 3647 Conversion Group 

1:30        10:40     12:10     2              SSL Performance Working Group

2:20        12:30     14:50     3              Code Signing Working Group 

2:10        15:00     17:10     4              Extended Validation Revisions
Working Group 

DAY 1 - (Wed) 19 February 2014

0:05        9:00        9:05                        Recap of Prelim Matters
and Logistics 

0:05        9:05        9:10                        Antitrust Statement 

0:30        9:10        9:40        5              Browser News 

0:50        9:40        10:30     6              SHA1 Sunsetting Strategy 

0:30        10:45     11:15     7              SSL Performance WG report 

0:30        11:15     11:45     8              RFC 3647 Working Group report

0:20        11:45     12:05     9              Code Signing Working Group

0:20        13:00     13:20     10           EV Guideline Working Group

0:30        13:20     13:50     11           Review and discuss technical
constraints for Delegated Third Parties 

0:40        13:50     14:30     12           Review Network and Certificate
System Security 

0:40        14:40     15:20     13           Webtrust 

0:30        15:20     15:50     14           TBD 

0:30        15:50     16:20     15           Current status of WPKOPS,
client, and end-user behavior studies 

0:40        16:20     17:00     16           TBD 

DAY 2 - (Thur) 20 February 2014

1:20        9:00        10:20     17           CT and Google Requirements

0:40        10:30     11:10     18           ETSI Presentation

0:40        11:10     11:50     19           Compliance assessment
coordination with auditors and browsers 

1:20        12:30     13:50     20           Bylaws Revisions 

0:30        14:00     14:30     21           TBD 

0:30        14:30     15:00     22           Review implementation status of
OSCP stapling

0:30        15:00     15:30     23           New gTLDs Processing and Public
Suffix List 

0:30        15:30     16:00     24           TBD 

0:30        16:00     16:30     25           Discuss F2F Meeting 33 in
Beijing, China 

0:30        16:30     17:00     26           Review accomplishments / list
of tasks

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