[cabfpub] Preballot for IPv6 Support

Rob Stradling rob.stradling at comodo.com
Mon Dec 15 21:44:25 UTC 2014

On 15/12/14 21:16, Eddy Nigg wrote:
> But besides that I'm a bit curious why Google would have even the
> slightest interest in revocation checking services and how they are
> accessed considering that its products don't check revocation in first
> place :-)


Chrome doesn't access CA revocation services directly.  However...

The Chrome team use CRLs to produce CRLSets.

Chrome checks Stapled OCSP.  (Incidentally, Ryan recently mentioned on 
another list that the Chrome team are considering _requiring_ Stapled 
OCSP for EV).  At the TLS server side, OCSP Stapling requires access to 
the CA's OCSP responder.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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