[cabfpub] Ballot 142 - Elimination of EV Insurance Requirement

Dean Coclin Dean_Coclin at symantec.com
Wed Dec 3 22:15:53 UTC 2014

It appears that both Kirk and Gerv are ok in waiting until the meeting next 
week before we start these ballots.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Gervase Markham [mailto:gerv at mozilla.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 9:05 AM
To: Dean Coclin; kirk_hall at trendmicro.com
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot 142 - Elimination of EV Insurance Requirement

On 02/12/14 05:52, Dean Coclin wrote:
> May I suggest we put these ballots on hold until the meeting next week
> so we can discuss and determine the best way forward? If we can't come
> to consensus at the meeting, then you can post the ballots and start
> that process.  I'm only asking for about a week delay.

That works for me if it works for Kirk :-)


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