[cabfpub] Pre-Ballot - Removal of Insurance Requirements

Chema Lopez clopez at firmaprofesional.com
Mon Dec 15 15:27:45 UTC 2014


2014-11-25 17:49 GMT+01:00 Gervase Markham <gerv at mozilla.org>:
> Following on from discussions at the last face-to-face and the failure
> of the previous ballot relating to insurance, this is a pre-ballot for
> discussion of an alternative pathway. However, I suspect that the amount
> of heated discussion already on this topic means that there is very
> little new to say. :-)
> I would only repeat that I consulted Mozilla's legal team and we
> concluded that the particular insurance requirements currently specified
> did not have any beneficial effect in any plausible scenario. Therefore,
> any money spent on them which (would not otherwise have been spent to
> meet other requirements a CA has) is wasted. We also think it is would
> not be reasonable for a CA to export across the industry costs imposed
> upon them by their jurisdiction or choice of business areas. That is to
> say, just because some CAs are required by other parties to have
> insurance does not mean the CAB Forum should require it.
> Gerv
> Pre-Ballot XXX - Removal of Insurance Requirements
> Gervase Markham of Mozilla made the following motion and XXX of XXX and
> YYY of YYY have endorsed it:
> Remove section 8.4 from the EV Guidelines, and renumber other sections
> appropriately.
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[image: AC Firmaprofesional S.A.] <http://www.firmaprofesional.com/>

*Chema López González AC Firmaprofesional S.A.*

Av. Torre Blanca, 57.

08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès. Barcelona.
Tel: 93.477.42.45 / 666.429.224

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