[cabfpub] Proposed motion to modify EV domain verification section

Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) eddy_nigg at startcom.org
Wed May 8 19:51:40 UTC 2013

On 05/08/2013 10:38 PM, From Geoff Keating:
> So, I don't support removing (1) from EV.
> I think that (2) should be put in the BRs, perhaps with weakened verification methods for non-EV certificates.  Most CA processes should achieve it automatically; the cases where it needs care are those where a large corporation is involved and there's some kind of automated certificate issuance mechanism.
> For (3), I don't think we should be the WHOIS police (ICANN is doing that) but I do think that CAs should check that the WHOIS results don't raise any red flags.  So I don't think this provision should be removed, and if someone can think of appropriate language, I'd support putting a weakened version of it in the BRs.

Thanks for your input so far, those are good points.

Signer: 	Eddy Nigg, COO/CTO
	StartCom Ltd. <http://www.startcom.org>
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