[cabfpub] Ballot 108: Clarifying the scope of the baseline requirements
Ryan Hurst
ryan.hurst at globalsign.com
Wed Aug 7 19:03:59 UTC 2013
Post from 2004 on this topic: http://unmitigatedrisk.com/?p=8
Ryan Hurst
Chief Technology Officer
GMO Globalsign
twitter: @rmhrisk
email: ryan.hurst at globalsign.com
phone: 206-650-7926
Sent from my phone, please forgive the brevity.
On Aug 7, 2013, at 11:58 AM, "Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.)" <eddy_nigg at startcom.org> wrote:
> On 08/07/2013 08:59 PM, From Ryan Sleevi:
>> The cited libraries will all treat the SGC EKUs as equivalent to Server Auth in that case. As such, certs with SGC EKUs would need to be in scope, because they'd be technically possible to be used as server certs.
> You might be right - the concern is what Gerv already mentioned here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=476807
> Anyone still using "It supports SGC/Step Up" as a marketing mechanism is either a) encouraging the use of long-outdated, insecure and standards-incompliant browsers, or b) using FUD.
> Regards
> Signer: Eddy Nigg, COO/CTO
> StartCom Ltd.
> XMPP: startcom at startcom.org
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