[cabfpub] Ballot [90] - Governance Finalists

Robin Alden robin at comodo.com
Fri Sep 28 13:36:50 UTC 2012

We too would like to extend our thanks to all the parties who have put
so much time into the governance proposals and their considered
responses to them.


Comodo votes for the Trend Micro proposal.



Robin Alden



From: public-bounces at cabforum.org [mailto:public-bounces at cabforum.org]
On Behalf Of Ben Wilson
Sent: 14 September 2012 22:26
To: public at cabforum.org; CABFMAN
Subject: [cabfpub] Ballot [90] - Governance Finalists


Pursuant to Ballot 85, Governance Reform, a 7-day review period of the
two final proposals for governance reform of the CA/Browser Forum has
commenced and closes at 2100 UTC on 21 September 2012.   Each proponent
has provided its final proposal for the purposes of this review period.
This review period (Sept. 14-21) shall be followed by a seven-day voting
period (Sept. 21-28) and will close at 2100 UTC on 28 September 2012. 


Votes by members must be cast by a "reply all" post this "Ballot [90] -
Governance Finalists" email thread on either the Management or Public
email list.


A vote in favor of either proposal must contain a clear indication of
whether the vote is for the DigiCert proposal or the Trend Micro
proposal.  A vote to abstain must indicate a clear 'abstain' in the
response. Unclear responses will not be counted.  The latest vote
received from any representative of a voting member before the close of
the voting period will be counted.


Voting members are listed here:



Pursuant to Ballot 85, the proposal receiving a simple majority of votes
in favor will be deemed the governance policy that the Forum will

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