[cabfpub] DigiCert Governce Proposal - Version 3

Jeremy Rowley jeremy.rowley at digicert.com
Fri Sep 14 00:24:52 UTC 2012

Thank you everyone who submitted comments.  We've revised our governance
proposal as follows:


1)      Browser Definition.  To permit a better comparison of the two
proposals, prevent unintentionally exclusion of any current members, and
provide  a streamlined governance reform, we've reverted our definition of
Trusted Root Store to the browser definition currently used by the CAB

2)      Membership Fees.  Although the Forum will set the fees based on
actual costs of operation, we've lowered our expected basic membership fee
to $500.  We agree with Gerv that the Forum should continue its gentleman's
agreement for members to rotate face-to-face hosting responsibilities,
meaning the only initial operating costs should be costs associated with
creating the organization, the teleconference bridge, and the costs incurred
by GoDaddy for providing the email and web services.  

3)      Board Fees.  For the same reason, we've lowered the expected board
cost to $2000.  To simplify the proposal and prevent the board fee from
being less than the membership fee, we've changed the section to make the
board fee an additional fee.

4)      Clarification on Initial and Revised Budgets.  We've clarified that
the current membership of the Forum will establish the Forum's budget using
the standard voting procedure.  After governance reform is complete, the
Forum will approve a new budget on an annual basis.

5)      Interested Party Requirements.  Brad Hill made a good point about
the number of required votes.  We believe his suggestion of five interested
party votes fairly balances the need to hear from a cross-section of
interested parties with the concern of unduly restricting interested party




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