[cabfpub] Notes of Telephone Call of 11 Oct 2012 and Status Update on Ballots 92 and 93

Ben Wilson ben at digicert.com
Thu Oct 25 16:11:41 MST 2012


Here are the notes of the telephone call held two weeks ago.  Also, Ballot
92 has been withdrawn for further editing.  However, Ballot 93 is open for
voting, which closes at 21:00 UTC on 31 October 2012.  (Ballot 93 addresses
CABF Baseline Requirement errata issues 6, 8, 10 and 21.)  Also, due to the
way that superscript is removed when converted to plaintext, the last part
of Ballot 93 (discussing the RSA public exponent) should read, "RSA:  The
value of the public exponent MUST be an odd number equal to 3 or more, and
it SHOULD be in the range between 65,537 (= (2^16)+1) and (2^256)-1."




Notes of meeting, CAB Forum, 11 October 2012, Version 1

Notes of meeting

CAB Forum 

11 October 2012

Version 1


1.   Present:  Dean Coclin, Ben Wilson, Atsushi Inaba, Kirk Hall, Eddy Nigg,
Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Jeremy Rowley, Brad Hill, Geoff Keating, Gerv
Markham, Robin Alden, Rick Andrews, and Ryan Koski

2. Agenda review

The agenda was reviewed.

3. Minutes of Meeting 20-Sept-2012

Minutes of 20 September 2012 were approved as published.  

4.  Ballot status

It was noted that the only open ballot was Ballot 91 for election of a chair
and vice-chair.  Dean asked about Ballot 89, and Rick said that he was
updating the EV processing requirements based on comments from Kathleen
Wilson.  The group noted that Yngve's proposed ballot on BR issues 6, 8, 10
and 21 had been posted on the wiki.  Ben said he still needed to clean it up
and assign a ballot number to it.  On BR issues 15 and 29, those had been
modified a bit by Rick, but after Bruce left Steve Roylance became the owner
of it.  Dean asked Atsushi to touch base with Steve.  Ben asked about
whether there was still any confusion between IDNA2003 and IDNA2008.  Brad
said that we're moving to IDNA2008, which is good. 

5.  Governance Revisions

Kirk said that he was creating a governance document that would provide
visual distinctions between what we already do versus what the Trend Micro
proposal would change.  He would prepare a cover memo and we could get it
out before the beginning of next week, allow people to review for a week or
so and comment on it, and then send it to the public list.  

6.  IPR Policy

The group discussed the difficulty of moving forward with the IPR Policy
while the Governance Revisions were under way.  It was stated that we should
move forward as much as possible with where we are and do what we can do.
Jeremy noted that there was a telephone call on the Friday after the
face-to-face meeting.  It was thought that Marc Braner, now at Apple, needed
to send a current draft of the IPR to David Rudin, the MS attorney for
review.  The group discussed whether an IETF policy with working groups fit
into the governance model, that the governance proposal and working history
of the Forum doesn't actually reflect a working-group model, and also the
PAG.  It was concluded that the primary goal is to reach a consensus IPR
agreement and that hopefully the members who dropped out will return and
sign.  It was also noted that Mozilla would support an IETF-based policy.

7.  Items Discussed at the Face-to-Face

Ben said that he was still working on the minutes and did not have a task
list ready to review.  He noted that we did discuss updating the web site.
It was proposed that we create a web site standing committee that could work
on a redesign or mock-up, which everyone could review.  It was suggested
that we send out an email soliciting the formation of the web site standing

8.  Any other business

Rick asked why there was not one place where all root program policies and
contact information were posted.  It was suggested that Rick create one on
the wiki first, and then we can decide whether to share it publicly. 

Ben said that we need to look into what we can do to push forward the
Mozilla Patch for OCSP Stapling with the NSS team. 

Publicly announcing the Governance Reform ballot was also discussed.
Although the Forum voted for a change, if the TrendMicro proposal isn't
ratified, then an announcement would be premature because some members could
vote against it.   

Dean reiterated comments from earlier in the meeting about the BR Issues
List-that we really need to close out items on the Issues List, rearrange
it, clean it up, and re-post it on the wiki as a new file leaving the old
versions there for archive purposes.

9.  Meeting adjourned with a date for the next meeting set for 25 October


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