[cabfpub] Tally Results for Ballot 80 and Ballot 83

Ben Wilson ben at digicert.com
Sat Aug 4 00:01:52 UTC 2012

Voting closed this week on Ballot 80 [Revised] (Response for non-issued
certificates) and Ballot 83 (Adopt Network and Certificate System Security
Requirements).   For both votes the quorum requirement was 7 and the number
of members voting were 13 and 19, respectively.  Therefore, quorum was met.


Both ballots passed as follows:


Ballot 80 - CAs 9 / 10 (90%) and Browsers 2/2 (100%)  w/ 1 abstention

Ballot 83 - CAs 9 / 13 (69%) and Browsers 2/3 (66%) w/ 3 abstentions


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