[cabfpub] Replacement Chair and Governance

Jeremy Rowley jeremy.rowley at digicert.com
Wed Aug 1 18:00:34 UTC 2012

I'm moving this email to the public mailing list.  Votes in response to this
proposal should be sent to the management list.


Now that the things have changed recently with our organization due to the
IPR becoming effective, we have two additional actions that need to take
place.  (1) We need to choose a new chair and (2) we need to press forward
with the governance proposals.  I think we should open chair nominations
until Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 at 22:00 UTC.  If we receive multiple
nominations, we can decide the chair either through a vote or during our
regularly scheduled teleconference on August 9th.   Once the governance
reform is complete, we can adopt and follow more formal procedures for
electing new chair(s) for the new organization. 


I nominate Ben Wilson as the new chair.  He's very familiar with the CAB
Forum's operation and work and has sometimes served as a  replacement chair
during Tim's absence.  Ben's ability to conduct balanced discussions and
progress the Forum's objectives make him an ideal chair while the governance
issue is pending.  


Pursuant to the decision made in Norway, we would also like to start the
run-off vote to determine which governance proposals will remain under
consideration by the Forum.  The options are as follows:


a- DigiCert's -  The Forum-based discussions remain intact, but we include a
third voting group for Interested Parties.  Adopting guidelines requires the
approval of two out of three voting groups with ratification by the majority
vote of a board comprised of any CAs and Browsers interested in joining and
paying a board level fee.  

b - Microsoft's -  A board would be comprised of Charter members (comprised
of elected CAs and Browsers), Contributor members (comprised of CAs and
Browsers), and Associate Members (comprised of the general public).
Guidelines are adopted by a supermajority vote of browsers and CAs with
ratification by the board.  

c - PayPal's - A working group-based forum governed by a board comprised of
elected browsers, CAs, subscribers, and one at-large member that represents
the general public.  Work product is adopted by a majority vote of the
constituencies or a by a supermajority of two of the three constituencies.

d - Trend Micro's - Keep the current voting and structure intact but allow
Relying Parties to participate in on-going discussions.


Note that the summaries provided above are only presented with an intent to
illustrate the major differences between the proposals, and members should
evaluate the full proposals, as posted on the CAB Forum website, when


Members should vote by arranging the proposals in a preferred order of
adoption, the most preferred appearing at the top of the list.  Any proposal
omitted from a list is considered to receive the lowest vote possible by
that member.  


During the initial tally of votes, only the member's highest preferred vote
is counted.  Once voting closes and tallying begins, the option receiving
the lowest number of votes will be eliminated. A member whose top preference
is the eliminated option is counted as voting in favor of their second
preference.  Once the votes are redistributed, we will again eliminate the
option receiving the fewest votes and redistribute the votes based on the
assigned preference.  


Voting closes and votes will be tallied on August 8th after which the
aggregate results of each tally will be posted on the public mailing list.
Actual votes by members will not be publicly posted.  


The proposal that has the highest votes during the final tally will then be
prepared for balloting and adoption using the standard Forum voting


Sincerely yours,





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