[cabf_netsec] Invite for the Cloud Services Subgroup

Inigo Barreira Inigo.Barreira at sectigo.com
Fri Feb 4 17:51:20 UTC 2022



My email is inigo.barreira at sectigo.com <mailto:inigo.barreira at sectigo.com>  but I´d like to know the time slot




De: Netsec <netsec-bounces at cabforum.org> En nombre de David Kluge via Netsec
Enviado el: viernes, 4 de febrero de 2022 18:44
Para: CABF Network Security List <netsec at cabforum.org>
Asunto: [cabf_netsec] Invite for the Cloud Services Subgroup


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Hi All,


Please send me your email address if you would like to join us for the cloud services subgroup call on Mondays. I will send out a new invite shortly.







David Kluge | Technical Program Manager | kluge at google.com <mailto:kluge at google.com>  |  +41 44 668 03 54

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