[cabf_netsec] Draft Agenda for NetSec 2020-08-06 0900 PST/1200 EST/1700 BST/1800 CEST

Neil Dunbar ndunbar at trustcorsystems.com
Mon Aug 3 07:38:59 MST 2020


This is the planned agenda for this week's meeting. As alway, do let me
know if any changes are required.



| Time | Start | Stop  | Item | Description                    |Presenter|
| 0:02 | 17:00 | 17:02 |    1 | Review Agenda                  |Neil     |
| 0:03 | 17:02 | 17:05 |    2 | Agree Minutes                  |Neil     |
| 0:05 | 17:05 | 17:09 |    3 | Pain Points Subgroup Update    |David    |
| 0:05 | 17:10 | 17:15 |    4 | Threat Modelling SG Update     |Mariusz  |
| 0:05 | 17:15 | 17:20 |    5 | Document Structuring SG Update |Ben      |
| 0:05 | 17:20 | 17:25 |    6 | Account Management Ballot      |Tobi     |
| 0:10 | 17:25 | 17:35 |    7 | Authentication (Lockout) Ballot|David    |
| 0:10 | 17:35 | 17:45 |    8 | Offline CA Ballot              |Ben      |
| 0:10 | 17:45 | 17:55 |    9 | Other Ballots                  |         |
| 0:05 | 17:55 | 18:00 |   10 | Any Other Business             |         |
|      |       | 18:00 |   11 | Adjourn                        |         |

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