[cabf_netsec] FW: Ballots SC20 and SC21

Tobias S. Josefowitz tobij at opera.com
Mon May 20 06:32:32 MST 2019

Hi Ben & all,

On Sun, 19 May 2019, Ben Wilson via Netsec wrote:

> Also, Tobias, could you update the GitHub version with the language from the
> Google Doc? - "If the system is operated in an offline and air-gapped state,
> detection should be conducted at least every thirty (30 days) or when the
> system is powered-on."

I unfortunately missed last week's Pain Points call, but I see that this 
addition for now is a suggestion that (according to Google Docs at least) 
is not accepted yet. I have prepared the edit in git and just need to push 
and the diff/"redline" URL will reflect it, but since we have the Pain 
Points call in 30 minutes anyway, I will wait just that tiny bit longer to 
confirm this is the state we want to have it at.


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