[Infrastructure] Reviving SC26 (Pandoc-Friendly Formatting)

Wayne Thayer wthayer at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 08:16:13 MST 2020

Jos - how will we handle the changes in ballots SC25 and SC27 that are not
included in this ballot (they're still in the review period)?

On Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 1:27 PM Jos Purvis (jopurvis) <jopurvis at cisco.com>

> I’d like to revive SC26 ASAP so we can finally pull it over the line. I’ve
> made what I think are the correct changes to the ballot below (and the
> attachments) to make it (a) up to date, and (b) conformant with what we
> discussed at the F2F in Bratislava. *However,* I’m well aware that I may
> have misremembered something from that week, so if this doesn’t look right
> or needs tweaking, please let me know. Thanks!
> --
> Jos Purvis (jopurvis at cisco.com)
> .:|:.:|:. cisco systems  | Cryptographic Services
> PGP: 0xFD802FEE07D19105  | +1 919.991.9114 (desk)
> The following is the ballot to update the BRs with formatting changes to
> make them Pandoc-friendly for changing our automation methods. I’m just
> looking for two endorsers at this point; I’ll add the timeline once we
> formally open the ballot.
> *BALLOT SC26: Pandoc-Friendly Markdown Formatting Changes*
> The following ballot is proposed by Jos Purvis of Cisco Systems and has
> been endorsed by XXX and YYY.
> *Purpose:* This ballot modifies the formatting of the Baseline
> Requirements in order to make the presentation of content consistent and
> aligned with “vanilla” Markdown. This will permit the use of pandoc as a
> format-translation tool to automatically produce a PDF, DOCX, and HTML
> version of the Baseline Requirements document with each update and allow
> the Forum to use the Markdown-formatted version as the canonical version of
> the Baseline Requirements. This ballot does NOT declare any version
> canonical: it merely paves the way to the possibility of doing so in the
> future by making the document formatting cleaner. In addition, the ballot
> is not intended to change the meaning of the Baseline Requirements at
> all—much effort has been spent in ensuring the meaning and wording of the
> Requirements has not changed in reformatting the presentation elements.
> *Changes:* The changes involved in the ballot are small formatting
> changes but large in number. As a result, rather than listing the changes
> individually, members are requested to review the redline of the ballot to
> see the differences. The pull request containing the set of changes to be
> implemented can be seen here:
> https://github.com/cabforum/documents/compare/SC26-pandoc-friendly
> More specifically, the set of changes to the Baseline Requirements
> document being proposed in this ballot is shown in this commit:
> https://github.com/cabforum/documents/commit/a79e22a6ff828f184797fc19ad6dcc404f80f7c1
> In addition to the above changes, some template files are being added to
> Github that will assist in formatting but not change any BR content
> (commits 5386bf0 and 810196a). A copy of the resulting formatting changes
> in each document format can be seen in the attached documents (ref.
> BR-26.pdf, BR-26.html, BR-26.docx). These changed versions can be compared
> to the current versions of the document found at
> https://github.com/cabforum/documents.
> --
> Jos Purvis (jopurvis at cisco.com)
> .:|:.:|:. cisco systems  | Cryptographic Services
> PGP: 0xFD802FEE07D19105  | +1 919.991.9114 (desk)
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